Wrapper for the JIRA Rest Api https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/6.4.8/




addAttachmentOnIssue addComment addIssueToSprint addNewComponent addNewIssue addWatcher addWorklog createBoard createCustomField createFieldOption createProject createRemoteLink createUser createVersion deleteAttachment deleteBoard deleteBoardProperty deleteComment deleteComponent deleteFieldOption deleteIssue deleteIssueLink deleteRemoteLink deleteVersion deleteWebhook deleteWorklog doRawRequest doRequest downloadAttachment downloadAvatar downloadUserAvatar estimateIssueForBoard findIssue genericAgileGet genericGet getAllBoards getAllSprints getAllVersions getBacklogForBoard getBoard getBoardIssuesForEpic getBoardIssuesForSprint getBoardPropertiesKeys getBoardProperty getComment getComments getConfiguration getCurrentUser getDevStatusDetail getDevStatusSummary getEpic getEpics getFieldOption getFilter getIssue getIssueChangelog getIssueCreateMetaFields getIssueCreateMetaProjectIssueTypes getIssueCreateMetadata getIssueEstimationForBoard getIssueProperty getIssueWatchers getIssueWorklogs getIssuesForBacklog getIssuesForBoard getIssuesForEpic getMembersOfGroup getProject getProjects getProjectsFull getRemoteLinks getServerInfo getSprint getSprintIssues getUnresolvedIssueCount getUser getUsers getUsersInGroup getUsersIssues getVersion getVersions getWebhook getWorkflowScheme getWorkflows getWorklogs issueEditMeta issueLink issueNotify listComponents listFieldOptions listFields listIssueLinkTypes listIssueTypes listPriorities listProjects listSprints listStatus listTransitions listWebhooks makeAgileUri makeDevStatusUri makeRequestHeader makeUri makeWebhookUri moveIssuesToEpic moveToBacklog moveVersion partiallyUpdateEpic rankEpics rankIssues registerWebhook relatedIssueCounts searchJira searchUsers setBoardProperty transitionIssue updateAssignee updateAssigneeWithId updateComment updateComponent updateIssue updateVersion updateWorklog updatedWorklogs upsertFieldOption



apiVersion: number
axios: AxiosInstance
base: string
baseOptions: AxiosRequestConfig<any>
host: string
httpsAgent?: Agent
intermediatePath?: string
port?: number
protocol: string
webhookVersion: string


  • Add attachment to a Issue Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      issue id

    • readStream: Buffer | BinaryLike

      readStream object from fs

    • Optional mimeType: string

      mime type of attachment, this used by jira to preview files

    • Optional originalFileName: string

      the original (or new) file name for the attachment

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Add a comment to an issue Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      Issue to add a comment to

    • comment: {
          author?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: string;
              active?: boolean;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              key?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          body?: unknown;
          created?: string;
          id?: string;
          jsdAuthorCanSeeRequest?: boolean;
          jsdPublic?: boolean;
          properties?: {
              key?: string;
              value?: unknown;
          renderedBody?: string;
          self?: string;
          updateAuthor?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: string;
              active?: boolean;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              key?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          updated?: string;
          visibility?: {
              identifier?: null | string;
              type?: "group" | "role";
              value?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          [key: string]: unknown;

      string containing comment

      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional author?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: string;
            active?: boolean;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        The ID of the user who created the comment.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

        • Optional accountType?: string


          The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional body?: unknown


        The comment text in Atlassian Document Format.

      • Optional created?: string

        Format: date-time


        The date and time at which the comment was created.

      • Optional id?: string


        The ID of the comment.

      • Optional jsdAuthorCanSeeRequest?: boolean


        Whether the comment was added from an email sent by a person who is not part of the issue. See Allow external emails to be added as comments on issuesfor information on setting up this feature.

      • Optional jsdPublic?: boolean


        Whether the comment is visible in Jira Service Desk. Defaults to true when comments are created in the Jira Cloud Platform. This includes when the site doesn't use Jira Service Desk or the project isn't a Jira Service Desk project and, therefore, there is no Jira Service Desk for the issue to be visible on. To create a comment with its visibility in Jira Service Desk set to false, use the Jira Service Desk REST API Create request comment operation.

      • Optional properties?: {
            key?: string;
            value?: unknown;


        A list of comment properties. Optional on create and update.

      • Optional renderedBody?: string


        The rendered version of the comment.

      • Optional self?: string


        The URL of the comment.

      • Optional updateAuthor?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: string;
            active?: boolean;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        The ID of the user who updated the comment last.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

        • Optional accountType?: string


          The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional updated?: string

        Format: date-time


        The date and time at which the comment was updated last.

      • Optional visibility?: {
            identifier?: null | string;
            type?: "group" | "role";
            value?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        The group or role to which this comment is visible. Optional on create and update.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional identifier?: null | string


          The ID of the group or the name of the role that visibility of this item is restricted to.

        • Optional type?: "group" | "role"


          Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role.

        • Optional value?: string


          The name of the group or role that visibility of this item is restricted to. Please note that the name of a group is mutable, to reliably identify a group use identifier.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Add an issue to the project's current sprint


    • issueId: string

      the id of the existing issue

    • sprintId: string

      the id of the sprint to add it to

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Add component to Jira Jira Doc


    • component: {
          ari?: string;
          assignee?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
              active?: boolean;
              applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              expand?: string;
              groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              key?: string;
              locale?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          description?: string;
          id?: string;
          isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean;
          lead?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
              active?: boolean;
              applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              expand?: string;
              groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              key?: string;
              locale?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          leadAccountId?: string;
          leadUserName?: string;
          metadata?: {
              [key: string]: string;
          name?: string;
          project?: string;
          projectId?: number;
          realAssignee?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
              active?: boolean;
              applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              expand?: string;
              groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;
              key?: string;
              locale?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          self?: string;

      Properly Formatted Component

      • Optional ari?: string


        Compass component's ID. Can't be updated. Not required for creating a Project Component.

      • Optional assignee?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        The details of the user associated with assigneeType, if any. See realAssignee for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

        • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


          The user account type. Can take the following values:

          • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
          • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
          • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional applicationRoles?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  defaultGroups?: string[];
                  defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  defined?: boolean;
                  groupDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  groups?: string[];
                  hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  numberOfSeats?: number;
                  platform?: boolean;
                  remainingSeats?: number;
                  selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                  userCount?: number;
                  userCountDescription?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The application roles the user is assigned to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                defaultGroups?: string[];
                defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                defined?: boolean;
                groupDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                groups?: string[];
                hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                numberOfSeats?: number;
                platform?: boolean;
                remainingSeats?: number;
                selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                userCount?: number;
                userCountDescription?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional expand?: string


          Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

        • Optional groups?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  groupId?: null | string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The groups that the user belongs to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                groupId?: null | string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional locale?: string


          The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string

          Format: uri


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional assigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED"


        The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See realAssigneeType for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:

        • PROJECT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.
        • COMPONENT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.
        • UNASSIGNED an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.
        • PROJECT_DEFAULT the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.

        Default value: PROJECT_DEFAULT. Optional when creating or updating a component.

      • Optional description?: string


        The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component.

      • Optional id?: string


        The unique identifier for the component.

      • Optional isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean


        Whether a user is associated with assigneeType. For example, if the assigneeType is set to COMPONENT_LEAD but the component lead is not set, then false is returned.

      • Optional lead?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        The user details for the component's lead user.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

        • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


          The user account type. Can take the following values:

          • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
          • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
          • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional applicationRoles?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  defaultGroups?: string[];
                  defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  defined?: boolean;
                  groupDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  groups?: string[];
                  hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  numberOfSeats?: number;
                  platform?: boolean;
                  remainingSeats?: number;
                  selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                  userCount?: number;
                  userCountDescription?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The application roles the user is assigned to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                defaultGroups?: string[];
                defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                defined?: boolean;
                groupDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                groups?: string[];
                hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                numberOfSeats?: number;
                platform?: boolean;
                remainingSeats?: number;
                selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                userCount?: number;
                userCountDescription?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional expand?: string


          Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

        • Optional groups?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  groupId?: null | string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The groups that the user belongs to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                groupId?: null | string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional locale?: string


          The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string

          Format: uri


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional leadAccountId?: string


        The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

      • Optional leadUserName?: string


        This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

      • Optional metadata?: {
            [key: string]: string;


        Compass component's metadata. Can't be updated. Not required for creating a Project Component.

        • [key: string]: string
      • Optional name?: string


        The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters.

      • Optional project?: string


        The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated.

      • Optional projectId?: number

        Format: int64


        The ID of the project the component is assigned to.

      • Optional realAssignee?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        The user assigned to issues created with this component, when assigneeType does not identify a valid assignee.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

        • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


          The user account type. Can take the following values:

          • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
          • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
          • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional applicationRoles?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  defaultGroups?: string[];
                  defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  defined?: boolean;
                  groupDetails?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  groups?: string[];
                  hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  numberOfSeats?: number;
                  platform?: boolean;
                  remainingSeats?: number;
                  selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                  userCount?: number;
                  userCountDescription?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The application roles the user is assigned to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                defaultGroups?: string[];
                defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                defined?: boolean;
                groupDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                groups?: string[];
                hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                numberOfSeats?: number;
                platform?: boolean;
                remainingSeats?: number;
                selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                userCount?: number;
                userCountDescription?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional expand?: string


          Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

        • Optional groups?: {
              callback?: Record<string, never>;
              items?: {
                  groupId?: null | string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
              max-results?: number;
              pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
              size?: number;


          The groups that the user belongs to.

          • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional items?: {
                groupId?: null | string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
          • Optional max-results?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
          • Optional size?: number

            Format: int32

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional locale?: string


          The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string

          Format: uri


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional realAssigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED"


        The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the assigneeType. For example, assigneeType is set to COMPONENT_LEAD but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:

        • PROJECT_LEAD when assigneeType is PROJECT_LEAD and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
        • COMPONENT_LEAD when assigneeType is COMPONENT_LEAD and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
        • UNASSIGNED when assigneeType is UNASSIGNED and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.
        • PROJECT_DEFAULT when none of the preceding cases are true.
      • Optional self?: string

        Format: uri


        The URL of the component.

    Returns Promise<{
        ari?: string;
        assignee?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;
        description?: string;
        id?: string;
        isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean;
        lead?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;
        leadAccountId?: string;
        leadUserName?: string;
        metadata?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        name?: string;
        project?: string;
        projectId?: number;
        realAssignee?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;
        self?: string;

  • Add issue to Jira Jira Doc


    • issue: {
          fields?: {
              [key: string]: unknown;
          historyMetadata?: {
              activityDescription?: string;
              activityDescriptionKey?: string;
              actor?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              cause?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              description?: string;
              descriptionKey?: string;
              emailDescription?: string;
              emailDescriptionKey?: string;
              extraData?: {
                  [key: string]: string;
              generator?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              type?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          properties?: {
              key?: string;
              value?: unknown;
          transition?: {
              expand?: string;
              fields?: {
                  [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
              hasScreen?: boolean;
              id?: string;
              isAvailable?: boolean;
              isConditional?: boolean;
              isGlobal?: boolean;
              isInitial?: boolean;
              looped?: boolean;
              name?: string;
              to?: {
                  description?: string;
                  iconUrl?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  scope?: {
                      project?: {
                          avatarUrls?: {
                              16x16?: string;
                              24x24?: string;
                              32x32?: string;
                              48x48?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          projectCategory?: {
                              description?: string;
                              id?: string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                          self?: string;
                          simplified?: boolean;
                      type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  self?: string;
                  statusCategory?: {
                      colorName?: string;
                      id?: number;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          update?: {
              [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];
          [key: string]: unknown;
      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional fields?: {
            [key: string]: unknown;


        List of issue screen fields to update, specifying the sub-field to update and its value for each field. This field provides a straightforward option when setting a sub-field. When multiple sub-fields or other operations are required, use update. Fields included in here cannot be included in update.

        • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional historyMetadata?: {
            activityDescription?: string;
            activityDescriptionKey?: string;
            actor?: {
                avatarUrl?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                displayNameKey?: string;
                id?: string;
                type?: string;
                url?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            cause?: {
                avatarUrl?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                displayNameKey?: string;
                id?: string;
                type?: string;
                url?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            description?: string;
            descriptionKey?: string;
            emailDescription?: string;
            emailDescriptionKey?: string;
            extraData?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            generator?: {
                avatarUrl?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                displayNameKey?: string;
                id?: string;
                type?: string;
                url?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            type?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        Additional issue history details.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional activityDescription?: string


          The activity described in the history record.

        • Optional activityDescriptionKey?: string


          The key of the activity described in the history record.

        • Optional actor?: {
              avatarUrl?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              displayNameKey?: string;
              id?: string;
              type?: string;
              url?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          Details of the user whose action created the history record.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional avatarUrl?: string


            The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayName?: string


            The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayNameKey?: string


            The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional type?: string


            The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional url?: string


            The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

        • Optional cause?: {
              avatarUrl?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              displayNameKey?: string;
              id?: string;
              type?: string;
              url?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          Details of the cause that triggered the creation the history record.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional avatarUrl?: string


            The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayName?: string


            The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayNameKey?: string


            The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional type?: string


            The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional url?: string


            The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

        • Optional description?: string


          The description of the history record.

        • Optional descriptionKey?: string


          The description key of the history record.

        • Optional emailDescription?: string


          The description of the email address associated the history record.

        • Optional emailDescriptionKey?: string


          The description key of the email address associated the history record.

        • Optional extraData?: {
              [key: string]: string;


          Additional arbitrary information about the history record.

          • [key: string]: string
        • Optional generator?: {
              avatarUrl?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              displayNameKey?: string;
              id?: string;
              type?: string;
              url?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          Details of the system that generated the history record.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional avatarUrl?: string


            The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayName?: string


            The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional displayNameKey?: string


            The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional type?: string


            The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

          • Optional url?: string


            The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

        • Optional type?: string


          The type of the history record.

      • Optional properties?: {
            key?: string;
            value?: unknown;


        Details of issue properties to be add or update.

      • Optional transition?: {
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            hasScreen?: boolean;
            id?: string;
            isAvailable?: boolean;
            isConditional?: boolean;
            isGlobal?: boolean;
            isInitial?: boolean;
            looped?: boolean;
            name?: string;
            to?: {
                description?: string;
                iconUrl?: string;
                id?: string;
                name?: string;
                scope?: {
                    project?: {
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        projectCategory?: {
                            description?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                        self?: string;
                        simplified?: boolean;
                    type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                self?: string;
                statusCategory?: {
                    colorName?: string;
                    id?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        Details of a transition. Required when performing a transition, optional when creating or editing an issue.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional expand?: string


          Expand options that include additional transition details in the response.

        • Optional fields?: {
              [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];


          Details of the fields associated with the issue transition screen. Use this information to populate fields and update in a transition request.

          • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"]
        • Optional hasScreen?: boolean


          Whether there is a screen associated with the issue transition.

        • Optional id?: string


          The ID of the issue transition. Required when specifying a transition to undertake.

        • Optional isAvailable?: boolean


          Whether the transition is available to be performed.

        • Optional isConditional?: boolean


          Whether the issue has to meet criteria before the issue transition is applied.

        • Optional isGlobal?: boolean


          Whether the issue transition is global, that is, the transition is applied to issues regardless of their status.

        • Optional isInitial?: boolean


          Whether this is the initial issue transition for the workflow.

        • Optional looped?: boolean
        • Optional name?: string


          The name of the issue transition.

        • Optional to?: {
              description?: string;
              iconUrl?: string;
              id?: string;
              name?: string;
              scope?: {
                  project?: {
                      avatarUrls?: {
                          16x16?: string;
                          24x24?: string;
                          32x32?: string;
                          48x48?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      projectCategory?: {
                          description?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                      self?: string;
                      simplified?: boolean;
                  type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              self?: string;
              statusCategory?: {
                  colorName?: string;
                  id?: number;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          Details of the issue status after the transition.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional description?: string


            The description of the status.

          • Optional iconUrl?: string


            The URL of the icon used to represent the status.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the status.

          • Optional name?: string


            The name of the status.

          • Optional scope?: {
                project?: {
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                    self?: string;
                    simplified?: boolean;
                type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                [key: string]: unknown;


            The scope of the field.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional project?: {
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  projectCategory?: {
                      description?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                  self?: string;
                  simplified?: boolean;


              The project the item has scope in.

              • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;


                The URLs of the project's avatars.

                • Optional 16x16?: string

                  Format: uri


                  The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

                • Optional 24x24?: string

                  Format: uri


                  The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

                • Optional 32x32?: string

                  Format: uri


                  The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

                • Optional 48x48?: string

                  Format: uri


                  The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the project.

              • Optional key?: string


                The key of the project.

              • Optional name?: string


                The name of the project.

              • Optional projectCategory?: {
                    description?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;


                The category the project belongs to.

                • Optional description?: string


                  The name of the project category.

                • Optional id?: string


                  The ID of the project category.

                • Optional name?: string


                  The description of the project category.

                • Optional self?: string


                  The URL of the project category.

              • Optional projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business"


                The project type of the project.

              • Optional self?: string


                The URL of the project details.

              • Optional simplified?: boolean


                Whether or not the project is simplified.

            • Optional type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE"


              The type of scope.

          • Optional self?: string


            The URL of the status.

          • Optional statusCategory?: {
                colorName?: string;
                id?: number;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            The category assigned to the status.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional colorName?: string


              The name of the color used to represent the status category.

            • Optional id?: number

              Format: int64


              The ID of the status category.

            • Optional key?: string


              The key of the status category.

            • Optional name?: string


              The name of the status category.

            • Optional self?: string


              The URL of the status category.

      • Optional update?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];


        A Map containing the field field name and a list of operations to perform on the issue screen field. Note that fields included in here cannot be included in fields.

        • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][]

    Returns Promise<{
        id?: string;
        key?: string;
        self?: string;
        transition?: {
            errorCollection?: {
                errorMessages?: string[];
                errors?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                status?: number;
            status?: number;
            warningCollection?: {
                warnings?: string[];
        watchers?: {
            errorCollection?: {
                errorMessages?: string[];
                errors?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                status?: number;
            status?: number;
            warningCollection?: {
                warnings?: string[];

  • Add a user as a watcher on an issue


    • issueKey: string

      the key of the existing issue

    • username: string

      the jira username to add as a watcher to the issue

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Add a worklog to a project Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      Issue to add a worklog to

    • worklog: {
          author?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: string;
              active?: boolean;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              key?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          comment?: unknown;
          created?: string;
          id?: string;
          issueId?: string;
          properties?: {
              key?: string;
              value?: unknown;
          self?: string;
          started?: string;
          timeSpent?: string;
          timeSpentSeconds?: number;
          updateAuthor?: {
              accountId?: string;
              accountType?: string;
              active?: boolean;
              avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;
              displayName?: string;
              emailAddress?: string;
              key?: string;
              name?: string;
              self?: string;
              timeZone?: string;
          updated?: string;
          visibility?: {
              identifier?: null | string;
              type?: "group" | "role";
              value?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          [key: string]: unknown;

      worklog object from the rest API

      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional author?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: string;
            active?: boolean;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        Details of the user who created the worklog.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

        • Optional accountType?: string


          The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional comment?: unknown


        A comment about the worklog in Atlassian Document Format. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

      • Optional created?: string

        Format: date-time


        The datetime on which the worklog was created.

      • Optional id?: string


        The ID of the worklog record.

      • Optional issueId?: string


        The ID of the issue this worklog is for.

      • Optional properties?: {
            key?: string;
            value?: unknown;


        Details of properties for the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

      • Optional self?: string

        Format: uri


        The URL of the worklog item.

      • Optional started?: string

        Format: date-time


        The datetime on which the worklog effort was started. Required when creating a worklog. Optional when updating a worklog.

      • Optional timeSpent?: string


        The time spent working on the issue as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). Required when creating a worklog if timeSpentSeconds isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpentSecond is provided.

      • Optional timeSpentSeconds?: number

        Format: int64


        The time in seconds spent working on the issue. Required when creating a worklog if timeSpent isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpent is provided.

      • Optional updateAuthor?: {
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: string;
            active?: boolean;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;


        Details of the user who last updated the worklog.

        • Optional accountId?: string


          The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

        • Optional accountType?: string


          The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

        • Optional active?: boolean


          Whether the user is active.

        • Optional avatarUrls?: {
              16x16?: string;
              24x24?: string;
              32x32?: string;
              48x48?: string;


          The avatars of the user.

          • Optional 16x16?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 24x24?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 32x32?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

          • Optional 48x48?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

        • Optional displayName?: string


          The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

        • Optional emailAddress?: string


          The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

        • Optional key?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional name?: string


          This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

        • Optional self?: string


          The URL of the user.

        • Optional timeZone?: string


          The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

      • Optional updated?: string

        Format: date-time


        The datetime on which the worklog was last updated.

      • Optional visibility?: {
            identifier?: null | string;
            type?: "group" | "role";
            value?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        Details about any restrictions in the visibility of the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional identifier?: null | string


          The ID of the group or the name of the role that visibility of this item is restricted to.

        • Optional type?: "group" | "role"


          Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role.

        • Optional value?: string


          The name of the group or role that visibility of this item is restricted to. Please note that the name of a group is mutable, to reliably identify a group use identifier.

    • Optional newEstimate: string

      the new value for the remaining estimate field

    • Optional options: {
          adjustEstimate?: "new" | "leave" | "manual" | "auto";
          expand?: string;
          newEstimate?: string;
          notifyUsers?: boolean;
          overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
          reduceBy?: string;

      extra options

      • Optional adjustEstimate?: "new" | "leave" | "manual" | "auto"


        Defines how to update the issue's time estimate, the options are:

        • new Sets the estimate to a specific value, defined in newEstimate.
        • leave Leaves the estimate unchanged.
        • manual Reduces the estimate by amount specified in reduceBy.
        • auto Reduces the estimate by the value of timeSpent in the worklog.
      • Optional expand?: string


        Use expand to include additional information about work logs in the response. This parameter accepts properties, which returns worklog properties.

      • Optional newEstimate?: string


        The value to set as the issue's remaining time estimate, as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). For example, 2d. Required when adjustEstimate is new.

      • Optional notifyUsers?: boolean


        Whether users watching the issue are notified by email.

      • Optional overrideEditableFlag?: boolean


        Whether the worklog entry should be added to the issue even if the issue is not editable, because jira.issue.editable set to false or missing. For example, the issue is closed. Connect and Forge app users with Administer Jira global permission can use this flag.

      • Optional reduceBy?: string


        The amount to reduce the issue's remaining estimate by, as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m). For example, 2d. Required when adjustEstimate is manual.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Create Board Jira Doc


    • boardBody: {
          filterId?: number;
          location?: {
              projectKeyOrId?: string;
              type?: "user" | "project";
          name?: string;
          type?: "kanban" | "scrum" | "agility";
      • Optional filterId?: number

        Format: int64

      • Optional location?: {
            projectKeyOrId?: string;
            type?: "user" | "project";
        • Optional projectKeyOrId?: string
        • Optional type?: "user" | "project"
      • Optional name?: string
      • Optional type?: "kanban" | "scrum" | "agility"

    Returns Promise<{
        admins?: {
            groups?: {
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
            users?: {
                accountId?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
        canEdit?: boolean;
        favourite?: boolean;
        id?: number;
        isPrivate?: boolean;
        location?: {
            avatarURI?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            name?: string;
            projectId?: number;
            projectKey?: string;
            projectName?: string;
            projectTypeKey?: string;
            userAccountId?: string;
            userId?: number;
        name?: string;
        self?: string;
        type?: string;

  • Create custom Jira field Jira Doc


    • field: {
          description?: string;
          name: string;
          searcherKey?: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:cascadingselectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:daterange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetimerange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:exactnumber" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:exacttextsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppickersearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:labelsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:numberrange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:projectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:userpickergroupsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:versionsearcher";
          type: string;

      Properly formatted Field object

      • Optional description?: string


        The description of the custom field, which is displayed in Jira.

      • name: string


        The name of the custom field, which is displayed in Jira. This is not the unique identifier.

      • Optional searcherKey?: "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:cascadingselectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:daterange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetimerange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:exactnumber" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:exacttextsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppickersearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:labelsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiselectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:numberrange" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:projectsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:userpickergroupsearcher" | "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:versionsearcher"


        The searcher defines the way the field is searched in Jira. For example, com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppickersearcher. The search UI (basic search and JQL search) will display different operations and values for the field, based on the field searcher. You must specify a searcher that is valid for the field type, as listed below (abbreviated values shown):

        • cascadingselect: cascadingselectsearcher
        • datepicker: daterange
        • datetime: datetimerange
        • float: exactnumber or numberrange
        • grouppicker: grouppickersearcher
        • importid: exactnumber or numberrange
        • labels: labelsearcher
        • multicheckboxes: multiselectsearcher
        • multigrouppicker: multiselectsearcher
        • multiselect: multiselectsearcher
        • multiuserpicker: userpickergroupsearcher
        • multiversion: versionsearcher
        • project: projectsearcher
        • radiobuttons: multiselectsearcher
        • readonlyfield: textsearcher
        • select: multiselectsearcher
        • textarea: textsearcher
        • textfield: textsearcher
        • url: exacttextsearcher
        • userpicker: userpickergroupsearcher
        • version: versionsearcher

        If no searcher is provided, the field isn't searchable. However, Forge custom fields have a searcher set automatically, so are always searchable.

      • type: string


        The type of the custom field. These built-in custom field types are available:

        • cascadingselect: Enables values to be selected from two levels of select lists (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:cascadingselect)
        • datepicker: Stores a date using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datepicker)
        • datetime: Stores a date with a time component (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:datetime)
        • float: Stores and validates a numeric (floating point) input (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:float)
        • grouppicker: Stores a user group using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:grouppicker)
        • importid: A read-only field that stores the ID the issue had in the system it was imported from (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:importid)
        • labels: Stores labels (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:labels)
        • multicheckboxes: Stores multiple values using checkboxes (value: ``)
        • multigrouppicker: Stores multiple user groups using a picker control (value: ``)
        • multiselect: Stores multiple values using a select list (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multicheckboxes)
        • multiuserpicker: Stores multiple users using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multigrouppicker)
        • multiversion: Stores multiple versions from the versions available in a project using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:multiversion)
        • project: Stores a project from a list of projects that the user is permitted to view (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:project)
        • radiobuttons: Stores a value using radio buttons (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:radiobuttons)
        • readonlyfield: Stores a read-only text value, which can only be populated via the API (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:readonlyfield)
        • select: Stores a value from a configurable list of options (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select)
        • textarea: Stores a long text string using a multiline text area (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textarea)
        • textfield: Stores a text string using a single-line text box (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:textfield)
        • url: Stores a URL (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:url)
        • userpicker: Stores a user using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:userpicker)
        • version: Stores a version using a picker control (value: com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:version)

        To create a field based on a Forge custom field type, use the ID of the Forge custom field type as the value. For example, ari:cloud:ecosystem::extension/e62f20a2-4b61-4dbe-bfb9-9a88b5e3ac84/548c5df1-24aa-4f7c-bbbb-3038d947cb05/static/my-cf-type-key.

    Returns Promise<{
        clauseNames?: string[];
        custom?: boolean;
        id?: string;
        key?: string;
        name?: string;
        navigable?: boolean;
        orderable?: boolean;
        schema?: {
            configuration?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            custom?: string;
            customId?: number;
            items?: string;
            system?: string;
            type: string;
        scope?: {
            project?: {
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                id?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                projectCategory?: {
                    description?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                self?: string;
                simplified?: boolean;
            type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
            [key: string]: unknown;
        searchable?: boolean;

  • Add an option for a select list issue field. Jira Doc


    • fieldKey: string

      the key of the select list field

    • option: {
          config?: {
              attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
              scope?: {
                  global?: {
                      attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                  projects?: number[];
                  projects2?: {
                      attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                      id?: number;
          properties?: {
              [key: string]: unknown;
          value: string;
          [key: string]: unknown;

      properly formatted Option object

      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional config?: {
            attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
            scope?: {
                global?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                projects?: number[];
                projects2?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    id?: number;
        • Optional attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[]



        • Optional scope?: {
              global?: {
                  attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
              projects?: number[];
              projects2?: {
                  attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                  id?: number;


          Defines the projects that the option is available in. If the scope is not defined, then the option is available in all projects.

          • Optional global?: {
                attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];


            Defines the behavior of the option within the global context. If this property is set, even if set to an empty object, then the option is available in all projects.

            • Optional attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[]


              Defines the behavior of the option in the global context.If notSelectable is set, the option cannot be set as the field's value. This is useful for archiving an option that has previously been selected but shouldn't be used anymore.If defaultValue is set, the option is selected by default.

          • Optional projects?: number[]



          • Optional projects2?: {
                attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                id?: number;


            Defines the projects in which the option is available and the behavior of the option within each project. Specify one object per project. The behavior of the option in a project context overrides the behavior in the global context.

      • Optional properties?: {
            [key: string]: unknown;


        The properties of the option as arbitrary key-value pairs. These properties can be searched using JQL, if the extractions (see https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/modules/issue-field-option-property-index/) are defined in the descriptor for the issue field module.

        • [key: string]: unknown
      • value: string


        The option's name, which is displayed in Jira.

    Returns Promise<{
        config?: {
            attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
            scope?: {
                global?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                projects?: number[];
                projects2?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    id?: number;
        id: number;
        properties?: {
            [key: string]: unknown;
        value: string;

  • Creates a remote link associated with the given issue.


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to create the remotelink under

    • remoteLink: {
          application?: {
              name?: string;
              type?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          globalId?: string;
          object: {
              icon?: {
                  link?: string;
                  title?: string;
                  url16x16?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              status?: {
                  icon?: {
                      link?: string;
                      title?: string;
                      url16x16?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  resolved?: boolean;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              summary?: string;
              title: string;
              url: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          relationship?: string;
          [key: string]: unknown;

      the remotelink object as specified by the Jira API

      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional application?: {
            name?: string;
            type?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        Details of the remote application the linked item is in. For example, trello.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional name?: string


          The name of the application. Used in conjunction with the (remote) object icon title to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank items are excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link". Grouping and sorting of links may place links without an application name last.

        • Optional type?: string


          The name-spaced type of the application, used by registered rendering apps.

      • Optional globalId?: string


        An identifier for the remote item in the remote system. For example, the global ID for a remote item in Confluence would consist of the app ID and page ID, like this: appId=456&pageId=123.

        Setting this field enables the remote issue link details to be updated or deleted using remote system and item details as the record identifier, rather than using the record's Jira ID.

        The maximum length is 255 characters.

      • object: {
            icon?: {
                link?: string;
                title?: string;
                url16x16?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            status?: {
                icon?: {
                    link?: string;
                    title?: string;
                    url16x16?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resolved?: boolean;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            summary?: string;
            title: string;
            url: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        Details of the item linked to.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional icon?: {
              link?: string;
              title?: string;
              url16x16?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          Details of the icon for the item. If no icon is defined, the default link icon is used in Jira.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional link?: string


            The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable.

          • Optional title?: string


            The title of the icon. This is used as follows:

            • For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.
            • For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link".
          • Optional url16x16?: string


            The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira.

        • Optional status?: {
              icon?: {
                  link?: string;
                  title?: string;
                  url16x16?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              resolved?: boolean;
              [key: string]: unknown;


          The status of the item.

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional icon?: {
                link?: string;
                title?: string;
                url16x16?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details of the icon representing the status. If not provided, no status icon displays in Jira.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional link?: string


              The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable.

            • Optional title?: string


              The title of the icon. This is used as follows:

              • For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.
              • For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link".
            • Optional url16x16?: string


              The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira.

          • Optional resolved?: boolean


            Whether the item is resolved. If set to "true", the link to the issue is displayed in a strikethrough font, otherwise the link displays in normal font.

        • Optional summary?: string


          The summary details of the item.

        • title: string


          The title of the item.

        • url: string


          The URL of the item.

      • Optional relationship?: string


        Description of the relationship between the issue and the linked item. If not set, the relationship description "links to" is used in Jira.

    Returns Promise<{
        id?: number;
        self?: string;

  • Create a Jira user Jira Doc


    • user: {
          applicationKeys?: string[];
          displayName?: string;
          emailAddress: string;
          key?: string;
          name?: string;
          password?: string;
          products: string[];
          self?: string;
          [key: string]: unknown;

      Properly Formatted User object

      • [key: string]: unknown
      • Optional applicationKeys?: string[]


        Deprecated, do not use.

      • Optional displayName?: string


        This property is no longer available. If the user has an Atlassian account, their display name is not changed. If the user does not have an Atlassian account, they are sent an email asking them set up an account.

      • emailAddress: string


        The email address for the user.

      • Optional key?: string


        This property is no longer available. See the migration guide for details.

      • Optional name?: string


        This property is no longer available. See the migration guide for details.

      • Optional password?: string


        This property is no longer available. If the user has an Atlassian account, their password is not changed. If the user does not have an Atlassian account, they are sent an email asking them set up an account.

      • products: string[]


        Products the new user has access to. Valid products are: jira-core, jira-servicedesk, jira-product-discovery, jira-software. To create a user without product access, set this field to be an empty array.

      • Optional self?: string


        The URL of the user.

    Returns Promise<{
        accountId?: string;
        accountType?: string;
        active?: boolean;
        avatarUrls?: {
            16x16?: string;
            24x24?: string;
            32x32?: string;
            48x48?: string;
        displayName?: string;
        emailAddress?: string;
        key?: string;
        name?: string;
        self?: string;
        timeZone?: string;

  • Create a version Jira Doc


    • version: {
          approvers?: readonly {
              accountId?: string;
              declineReason?: string;
              description?: string;
              status?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          archived?: boolean;
          description?: string;
          driver?: string;
          expand?: string;
          id?: string;
          issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
              done?: number;
              inProgress?: number;
              toDo?: number;
              unmapped?: number;
              [key: string]: unknown;
          moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
          name?: string;
          operations?: readonly {
              href?: string;
              iconClass?: string;
              id?: string;
              label?: string;
              styleClass?: string;
              title?: string;
              weight?: number;
          overdue?: boolean;
          project?: string;
          projectId?: number;
          releaseDate?: string;
          released?: boolean;
          self?: string;
          startDate?: string;
          userReleaseDate?: string;
          userStartDate?: string;

      an object of the new version

      • Optional approvers?: readonly {
            accountId?: string;
            declineReason?: string;
            description?: string;
            status?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        If the expand option approvers is used, returns a list containing the approvers for this version.

      • Optional archived?: boolean


        Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version.

      • Optional description?: string


        The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version. The maximum size is 16,384 bytes.

      • Optional driver?: string


        If the expand option driver is used, returns the Atlassian account ID of the driver.

      • Optional expand?: string


        Use expand to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

        • operations Returns the list of operations available for this version.
        • issuesstatus Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories to do, in progress, done, and unmapped. The unmapped property contains a count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.
        • driver Returns the Atlassian account ID of the version driver.
        • approvers Returns a list containing approvers for this version.

        Optional for create and update.

      • Optional id?: string


        The ID of the version.

      • Optional issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
            done?: number;
            inProgress?: number;
            toDo?: number;
            unmapped?: number;
            [key: string]: unknown;


        If the expand option issuesstatus is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories to do, in progress, done, and unmapped. The unmapped property contains a count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.

        • [key: string]: unknown
        • Optional done?: number

          Format: int64


          Count of issues with status done.

        • Optional inProgress?: number

          Format: int64


          Count of issues with status in progress.

        • Optional toDo?: number

          Format: int64


          Count of issues with status to do.

        • Optional unmapped?: number

          Format: int64


          Count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.

      • Optional moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string

        Format: uri


        The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version.

      • Optional name?: string


        The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters.

      • Optional operations?: readonly {
            href?: string;
            iconClass?: string;
            id?: string;
            label?: string;
            styleClass?: string;
            title?: string;
            weight?: number;


        If the expand option operations is used, returns the list of operations available for this version.

      • Optional overdue?: boolean


        Indicates that the version is overdue.

      • Optional project?: string


        Deprecated. Use projectId.

      • Optional projectId?: number

        Format: int64


        The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version.

      • Optional releaseDate?: string

        Format: date


        The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version.

      • Optional released?: boolean


        Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version.

      • Optional self?: string

        Format: uri


        The URL of the version.

      • Optional startDate?: string

        Format: date


        The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version.

      • Optional userReleaseDate?: string


        The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's Day/Month/Year Format date format.

      • Optional userStartDate?: string


        The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's Day/Month/Year Format date format.

    Returns Promise<{
        approvers?: readonly {
            accountId?: string;
            declineReason?: string;
            description?: string;
            status?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;
        archived?: boolean;
        description?: string;
        driver?: string;
        expand?: string;
        id?: string;
        issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
            done?: number;
            inProgress?: number;
            toDo?: number;
            unmapped?: number;
            [key: string]: unknown;
        moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
        name?: string;
        operations?: readonly {
            href?: string;
            iconClass?: string;
            id?: string;
            label?: string;
            styleClass?: string;
            title?: string;
            weight?: number;
        overdue?: boolean;
        project?: string;
        projectId?: number;
        releaseDate?: string;
        released?: boolean;
        self?: string;
        startDate?: string;
        userReleaseDate?: string;
        userStartDate?: string;

  • Remove the attachment Jira Doc


    • attachmentId: string

      the attachment id

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete Board Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    Returns Promise<never>

  • Delete Board Property Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • propertyKey: string

      Id of property to delete

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete Comments by Id. Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      this issue this comment is on

    • commentId: string

      the id of the comment

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete component from Jira Jira Doc


    • id: string

      The ID of the component.

    • moveIssuesTo: string

      The ID of the component to replace the deleted component. If this value is null no replacement is made.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Deletes an option from a select list issue field. Jira Doc


    • fieldKey: string

      the key of the select list field

    • optionId: string

      the id of the deleted option

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete issue from Jira Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      the Id of the issue to delete

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Deletes an issue link. Jira Doc


    • linkId: string

      the Id of the issue link to delete

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete a remote link with given issueNumber and id


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to delete the remotelink under

    • id: string

      the remotelink id

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete a version Jira Doc


    • versionId: string

      the ID of the version to delete

    • moveFixIssuesToId: string

      when provided, existing fixVersions will be moved to this ID. Otherwise, the deleted version will be removed from all issue fixVersions.

    • moveAffectedIssuesToId: string

      when provided, existing affectedVersions will be moved to this ID. Otherwise, the deleted version will be removed from all issue affectedVersions.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete a registered webhook Jira Doc


    • webhookID: string

      id of the webhook to delete

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Delete worklog from issue Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      the Id of the issue to delete

    • worklogId: number

      the Id of the worklog in issue to delete

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • requestOptions: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

    Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<T, any>>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • requestOptions: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Download an attachment Jira Doc


    • attachment: {
          filename: string;
          id: string;

      the attachment

      • filename: string
      • id: string

    Returns Promise<Buffer>

  • Download an avatar Jira Doc


    • avatarType: string
    • avatarId: number

      The avatar to download

    Returns Promise<{
        content: Buffer;
        mimeType: string;

  • Download an avatar Jira Doc


    • ownerId: string
    • avatarId: number

      The avatar to download

    Returns Promise<{
        content: Buffer;
        mimeType: string;

  • Estimate issue for board Jira Doc


    • issueIdOrKey: string

      Id of issue

    • boardId: string

      The id of the board required to determine which field is used for estimation.

    • data: {
          value?: string;

      value to set

      • Optional value?: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Find an issue in jira Jira Doc


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to search for including the project key

    • Optional expand: string

      The resource expansion to return additional fields in the response

    • Optional fields: string

      Comma separated list of field ids or keys to retrieve

    • Optional properties: string

      Comma separated list of properties to retrieve

    • Optional fieldsByKeys: boolean

      False by default, used to retrieve fields by key instead of id

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Generic Get Request to the Agile API Jira Doc


    • endpoint: string

      Rest API endpoint

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Generic Get Request Jira Doc


    • endpoint: string

      Rest API endpoint

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get all boards Jira Doc


    • Optional type: string

      Filters results to boards of the specified type.

    • Optional name: string

      Filters results to boards that match the specified name.

    • Optional projectKeyOrId: string

      Filters results to boards that are relevant to a project.

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned boards.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of boards to return per page.

    Returns Promise<{
        isLast?: boolean;
        maxResults?: number;
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        values?: {
            admins?: {
                groups?: {
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                users?: {
                    accountId?: string;
                    active?: boolean;
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
            canEdit?: boolean;
            favourite?: boolean;
            id?: number;
            isPrivate?: boolean;
            location?: {
                avatarURI?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                name?: string;
                projectId?: number;
                projectKey?: string;
                projectName?: string;
                projectTypeKey?: string;
                userAccountId?: string;
                userId?: number;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            type?: string;

  • Get All Sprints Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned sprints. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of sprints to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional state: string = undefined

      Filters results to sprints in specified states. Valid values: future, active, closed.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get All Versions Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned versions. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of versions to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional released: boolean = undefined

      Filters results to versions that are either released or unreleased.Valid values: true, false.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Retrieve the backlog of a certain Board


    • boardId: string

      rapid view id

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get Board Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    Returns Promise<{
        admins?: {
            groups?: {
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
            users?: {
                accountId?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
        canEdit?: boolean;
        favourite?: boolean;
        id?: number;
        isPrivate?: boolean;
        location?: {
            avatarURI?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            name?: string;
            projectId?: number;
            projectKey?: string;
            projectName?: string;
            projectTypeKey?: string;
            userAccountId?: string;
            userId?: number;
        name?: string;
        self?: string;
        type?: string;

  • Get board issues for epic Jira Doc Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • epicId: string

      Id of epic to retrieve, specify 'none' to get issues without an epic.

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned issues. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of issues to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional jql: undefined = undefined

      Filters results using a JQL query.

    • Optional validateQuery: boolean = true

      Specifies whether to validate the JQL query or not. Default: true.

    • Optional fields: undefined = undefined

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Board issues for sprint Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • sprintId: string

      Id of sprint to retrieve

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned issues. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of issues to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional jql: string = undefined

      Filters results using a JQL query.

    • Optional validateQuery: boolean = true

      Specifies whether to validate the JQL query or not. Default: true.

    • Optional fields: string[] = undefined

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    • Optional expand: string[] = undefined

      A comma-separated list of the parameters to expand.

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get Board Properties Keys Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Board Property Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • propertyKey: string

      Id of property to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Comment by Id. Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      this issue this comment is on

    • commentId: string

      the id of the comment

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Comments by IssueId. Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      this issue this comment is on

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Configuration Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Describe the currently authenticated user Jira Doc

    Returns Promise<{
        accountId?: string;
        accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
        active?: boolean;
        applicationRoles?: {
            callback?: Record<string, never>;
            items?: {
                defaultGroups?: string[];
                defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                defined?: boolean;
                groupDetails?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                groups?: string[];
                hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                numberOfSeats?: number;
                platform?: boolean;
                remainingSeats?: number;
                selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                userCount?: number;
                userCountDescription?: string;
            max-results?: number;
            pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
            size?: number;
        avatarUrls?: {
            16x16?: string;
            24x24?: string;
            32x32?: string;
            48x48?: string;
        displayName?: string;
        emailAddress?: string;
        expand?: string;
        groups?: {
            callback?: Record<string, never>;
            items?: {
                groupId?: null | string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
            max-results?: number;
            pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
            size?: number;
        key?: string;
        locale?: string;
        name?: string;
        self?: string;
        timeZone?: string;

  • Get a Dev-Status detail by issue ID


    • issueId: string

      id of issue to get

    • applicationType: string

      type of application (stash, bitbucket)

    • dataType: string

      info to return (repository, pullrequest)

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get a Dev-Status summary by issue ID


    • issueId: string

      id of issue to get

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Epic Jira Doc


    • epicIdOrKey: string

      Id of epic to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Epics Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned epics. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of epics to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional done: undefined = undefined

      Filters results to epics that are either done or not done. Valid values: true, false.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Returns an option for a select list issue field. Jira Doc


    • fieldKey: string

      the key of the select list field

    • optionId: string

      the id of the option

    Returns Promise<{
        config?: {
            attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
            scope?: {
                global?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                projects?: number[];
                projects2?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    id?: number;
        id: number;
        properties?: {
            [key: string]: unknown;
        value: string;

  • Get Filter Jira Doc


    • filterId: string

      Id of filter to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get issue Jira Doc


    • issueIdOrKey: string

      Id of issue

    • Optional fields: string[]

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    • Optional expand: string[]

      A comma-separated list of the parameters to expand.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • List all changes for an issue, sorted by date, starting from the latest Jira Doc


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to search for including the project key

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      optional starting index number

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      optional ending index number

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Parameters

    • projectIdOrKey: string | number
    • issueTypeId: string
    • startAt: number
    • maxResults: number

    Returns Promise<{
        allowedValues?: readonly unknown[];
        autoCompleteUrl?: string;
        configuration?: {
            [key: string]: unknown;
        defaultValue?: unknown;
        fieldId: string;
        hasDefaultValue?: boolean;
        key: string;
        name: string;
        operations: readonly string[];
        required: boolean;
        schema: {
            configuration?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            custom?: string;
            customId?: number;
            items?: string;
            system?: string;
            type: string;

  • Parameters

    • projectIdOrKey: string | number
    • startAt: number
    • maxResults: number

    Returns Promise<{
        avatarUrls?: {
            16x16?: string;
            24x24?: string;
            32x32?: string;
            48x48?: string;
        expand?: string;
        id?: string;
        issuetypes?: readonly {
            avatarId?: number;
            description?: string;
            entityId?: string;
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            hierarchyLevel?: number;
            iconUrl?: string;
            id?: string;
            name?: string;
            scope?: {
                project?: {
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                    self?: string;
                    simplified?: boolean;
                type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                [key: string]: unknown;
            self?: string;
            subtask?: boolean;
        key?: string;
        name?: string;
        self?: string;

  • Get metadata for creating an issue. Jira Doc


    • optional: undefined | {
          expand?: string;
          issuetypeIds?: string[];
          issuetypeNames?: string[];
          projectIds?: string[];
          projectKeys?: string[];
      } = {}

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        projects?: readonly {
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            expand?: string;
            id?: string;
            issuetypes?: readonly {
                avatarId?: number;
                description?: string;
                entityId?: string;
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hierarchyLevel?: number;
                iconUrl?: string;
                id?: string;
                name?: string;
                scope?: {
                    project?: {
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        projectCategory?: {
                            description?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                        self?: string;
                        simplified?: boolean;
                    type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                self?: string;
                subtask?: boolean;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;

  • Get issue estimation for board Jira Doc


    • issueIdOrKey: string

      Id of issue

    • boardId: string

      The id of the board required to determine which field is used for estimation.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Property of Issue by Issue and Property Id Jira Doc


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to search for including the project key

    • property: string

      The property key to search for

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • List all watchers for an issue Jira Doc


    • issueNumber: string

      The issue number to search for including the project key

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get worklogs list from a given issue Jira Doc


    • issueId: string

      the Id of the issue to find worklogs for

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      optional starting index number

    • Optional maxResults: number = 1000

      optional ending index number

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get issues for backlog Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional jql: string

      Filters results using a JQL query.

    • Optional fields: string[]

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned issues. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of issues to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional validateQuery: boolean = true

      Specifies whether to validate the JQL query or not. Default: true.

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get issues for board Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional jql: string = undefined

      Filters results using a JQL query.

    • Optional fields: undefined = undefined

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned issues. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of issues to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional validateQuery: boolean = true

      Specifies whether to validate the JQL query or not. Default: true.

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get issues for epic Jira Doc Jira Doc


    • epicId: string

      Id of epic to retrieve, specify 'none' to get issues without an epic.

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned issues. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of issues to return per page. Default: 50.

    • Optional jql: string = undefined

      Filters results using a JQL query.

    • Optional validateQuery: boolean = true

      Specifies whether to validate the JQL query or not. Default: true.

    • Optional fields: string[] = undefined

      The list of fields to return for each issue.

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get all members of group on Jira


    • groupname: string

      A query string used to search users in group

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The index of the first user to return (0-based)

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50).

    • Optional includeInactiveUsers: boolean = false

      Fetch inactive users too (defaults to false).

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get the Project by project key Jira Doc


    • project: string

      key for the project

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Projects Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The starting index of the returned projects. Base index: 0.

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of projects to return per page. Default: 50.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Projects Full Jira Doc


    • boardId: string

      Id of board to retrieve

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Retrieves the remote links associated with the given issue.


    • issueNumber: string

      the issue number to find remote links for.

    Returns Promise<{
        application?: {
            name?: string;
            type?: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;
        globalId?: string;
        id?: number;
        object?: {
            icon?: {
                link?: string;
                title?: string;
                url16x16?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            status?: {
                icon?: {
                    link?: string;
                    title?: string;
                    url16x16?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                resolved?: boolean;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            summary?: string;
            title: string;
            url: string;
            [key: string]: unknown;
        relationship?: string;
        self?: string;

  • Get server info Jira Doc

    Returns Promise<{
        baseUrl?: string;
        buildDate?: string;
        buildNumber?: number;
        deploymentType?: string;
        displayUrl?: string;
        displayUrlServicedeskHelpCenter?: string;
        healthChecks?: {
            description?: string;
            name?: string;
            passed?: boolean;
        scmInfo?: string;
        serverTime?: string;
        serverTimeZone?: {
            displayName?: string;
            dstsavings?: number;
            id?: string;
            rawOffset?: number;
        serverTitle?: string;
        version?: string;
        versionNumbers?: number[];

  • Get details about a Sprint


    • sprintId: string

      the id for the sprint view

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get the issues for a board / sprint


    • boardId: string
    • sprintId: string

      the id for the sprint

    Returns Promise<{
        expand?: string;
        issues?: readonly {
            changelog?: {
                histories?: readonly {
                    author?: {
                        accountId?: string;
                        accountType?: string;
                        active?: boolean;
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        displayName?: string;
                        emailAddress?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        timeZone?: string;
                    created?: string;
                    historyMetadata?: {
                        activityDescription?: string;
                        activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                        actor?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        cause?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        description?: string;
                        descriptionKey?: string;
                        emailDescription?: string;
                        emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                        extraData?: {
                            [key: string]: string;
                        generator?: {
                            avatarUrl?: string;
                            displayName?: string;
                            displayNameKey?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            type?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            [key: string]: unknown;
                        type?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    id?: string;
                    items?: readonly {
                        field?: string;
                        fieldId?: string;
                        fieldtype?: string;
                        from?: string;
                        fromString?: string;
                        to?: string;
                        toString?: string;
                maxResults?: number;
                startAt?: number;
                total?: number;
            editmeta?: {
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
            expand?: string;
            fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            fieldsToInclude?: {
                actuallyIncluded?: string[];
                excluded?: string[];
                included?: string[];
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            names?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            operations?: {
                linkGroups?: readonly {
                    groups?: ({ groups?: ...[] | undefined; header?: { href?: string | undefined; iconClass?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; label?: string | undefined; styleClass?: string | undefined; title?: string | undefined; weight?: number | undefined; } | undefined; id?: string | undefined; links?: { ...; }[] | undefined; st...)[];
                    header?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    id?: string;
                    links?: {
                        href?: string;
                        iconClass?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        label?: string;
                        styleClass?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        weight?: number;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            renderedFields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            schema?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
            self?: string;
            transitions?: readonly {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            versionedRepresentations?: {
                [key: string]: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
        maxResults?: number;
        names?: {
            [key: string]: string;
        schema?: {
            [key: string]: components["schemas"]["JsonTypeBean"];
        startAt?: number;
        total?: number;
        warningMessages?: readonly string[];

  • Get the unresolved issue count Jira Doc


    • version: string

      the version of your product you want to find the unresolved issues of.

    Returns Promise<undefined | number>

  • Returns a user. Jira Doc


    • accountId: string

      The accountId of user to search for

    • Optional expand: string[]

      The expand for additional info (groups,applicationRoles)

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Returns a list of all (active and inactive) users. Jira Doc


    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The index of the first user to return (0-based)

    • Optional maxResults: number = 100

      The maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50).

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get all users in group on Jira


    • groupname: string

      A query string used to search users in group

    • Optional startAt: number = 0

      The index of the first user to return (0-based)

    • Optional maxResults: number = 50

      The maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50).

    Returns Promise<unknown>


  • Get issues related to a user Jira Doc


    • username: string

      username of user to search for

    • open: boolean

      determines if only open issues should be returned

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get details of single Version in project Jira Doc


    • version: string

      The id of this version

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get Versions for a project Jira Doc


    • project: string

      A project key to get versions for

    • Optional query: Partial<Pick<PaginationParams, "expand">>

      An object containing the query params

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Get a webhook by its ID Jira Doc


    • webhookID: string

      id of webhook to get

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Parameters

    • projectKeyOrId: string
    • query: {} = {}

      Returns Promise<unknown>

    • Parameters

      • query: {} = {}

        Returns Promise<{
            default?: boolean;
            description?: string;
            lastModifiedDate?: string;
            lastModifiedUser?: string;
            lastModifiedUserAccountId?: string;
            name?: string;
            scope?: {
                project?: {
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                    self?: string;
                    simplified?: boolean;
                type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                [key: string]: unknown;
            steps?: number;

      • Returns worklog details for a list of worklog IDs. Jira Doc


        • worklogsIDs: number[]

          a list of worklog IDs.

        • expand: string[]

          expand to include additional information about worklogs

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Get issue edit metadata Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          the Id of the issue to retrieve edit metadata for

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Create an issue link between two issues


        • link: {
              application?: {
                  name?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              globalId?: string;
              object: {
                  icon?: {
                      link?: string;
                      title?: string;
                      url16x16?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  status?: {
                      icon?: {
                          link?: string;
                          title?: string;
                          url16x16?: string;
                          [key: string]: unknown;
                      resolved?: boolean;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  summary?: string;
                  title: string;
                  url: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              relationship?: string;
              [key: string]: unknown;

          a link object formatted how the Jira API specifies

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional application?: {
                name?: string;
                type?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details of the remote application the linked item is in. For example, trello.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional name?: string


              The name of the application. Used in conjunction with the (remote) object icon title to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank items are excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link". Grouping and sorting of links may place links without an application name last.

            • Optional type?: string


              The name-spaced type of the application, used by registered rendering apps.

          • Optional globalId?: string


            An identifier for the remote item in the remote system. For example, the global ID for a remote item in Confluence would consist of the app ID and page ID, like this: appId=456&pageId=123.

            Setting this field enables the remote issue link details to be updated or deleted using remote system and item details as the record identifier, rather than using the record's Jira ID.

            The maximum length is 255 characters.

          • object: {
                icon?: {
                    link?: string;
                    title?: string;
                    url16x16?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                status?: {
                    icon?: {
                        link?: string;
                        title?: string;
                        url16x16?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    resolved?: boolean;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                summary?: string;
                title: string;
                url: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details of the item linked to.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional icon?: {
                  link?: string;
                  title?: string;
                  url16x16?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the icon for the item. If no icon is defined, the default link icon is used in Jira.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional link?: string


                The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable.

              • Optional title?: string


                The title of the icon. This is used as follows:

                • For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.
                • For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link".
              • Optional url16x16?: string


                The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira.

            • Optional status?: {
                  icon?: {
                      link?: string;
                      title?: string;
                      url16x16?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  resolved?: boolean;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              The status of the item.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional icon?: {
                    link?: string;
                    title?: string;
                    url16x16?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;


                Details of the icon representing the status. If not provided, no status icon displays in Jira.

                • [key: string]: unknown
                • Optional link?: string


                  The URL of the tooltip, used only for a status icon. If not set, the status icon in Jira is not clickable.

                • Optional title?: string


                  The title of the icon. This is used as follows:

                  • For a status icon it is used as a tooltip on the icon. If not set, the status icon doesn't display a tooltip in Jira.
                  • For the remote object icon it is used in conjunction with the application name to display a tooltip for the link's icon. The tooltip takes the format "[application name] icon title". Blank itemsare excluded from the tooltip title. If both items are blank, the icon tooltop displays as "Web Link".
                • Optional url16x16?: string


                  The URL of an icon that displays at 16x16 pixel in Jira.

              • Optional resolved?: boolean


                Whether the item is resolved. If set to "true", the link to the issue is displayed in a strikethrough font, otherwise the link displays in normal font.

            • Optional summary?: string


              The summary details of the item.

            • title: string


              The title of the item.

            • url: string


              The URL of the item.

          • Optional relationship?: string


            Description of the relationship between the issue and the linked item. If not set, the relationship description "links to" is used in Jira.

        Returns Promise<{
            id?: number;
            self?: string;

      • Notify people related to issue Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          issue id

        • notificationBody: {
              htmlBody?: string;
              restrict?: {
                  groupIds?: string[];
                  groups?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  permissions?: {
                      id?: string;
                      key?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
              subject?: string;
              textBody?: string;
              to?: {
                  assignee?: boolean;
                  groupIds?: string[];
                  groups?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  reporter?: boolean;
                  users?: {
                      accountId?: string;
                      accountType?: string;
                      active?: boolean;
                      avatarUrls?: {
                          16x16?: string;
                          24x24?: string;
                          32x32?: string;
                          48x48?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      emailAddress?: string;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                      timeZone?: string;
                  voters?: boolean;
                  watchers?: boolean;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              [key: string]: unknown;

          properly formatted body

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional htmlBody?: string


            The HTML body of the email notification for the issue.

          • Optional restrict?: {
                groupIds?: string[];
                groups?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                permissions?: {
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;


            Restricts the notifications to users with the specified permissions.

            • Optional groupIds?: string[]


              List of groupId memberships required to receive the notification.

            • Optional groups?: {
                  groupId?: null | string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;


              List of group memberships required to receive the notification.

            • Optional permissions?: {
                  id?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              List of permissions required to receive the notification.

          • Optional subject?: string


            The subject of the email notification for the issue. If this is not specified, then the subject is set to the issue key and summary.

          • Optional textBody?: string


            The plain text body of the email notification for the issue.

          • Optional to?: {
                assignee?: boolean;
                groupIds?: string[];
                groups?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                reporter?: boolean;
                users?: {
                    accountId?: string;
                    accountType?: string;
                    active?: boolean;
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    emailAddress?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    timeZone?: string;
                voters?: boolean;
                watchers?: boolean;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            The recipients of the email notification for the issue.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional assignee?: boolean


              Whether the notification should be sent to the issue's assignees.

            • Optional groupIds?: string[]


              List of groupIds to receive the notification.

            • Optional groups?: {
                  groupId?: null | string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;


              List of groups to receive the notification.

            • Optional reporter?: boolean


              Whether the notification should be sent to the issue's reporter.

            • Optional users?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: string;
                  active?: boolean;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;


              List of users to receive the notification.

            • Optional voters?: boolean


              Whether the notification should be sent to the issue's voters.

            • Optional watchers?: boolean


              Whether the notification should be sent to the issue's watchers.

        Returns Promise<never>

      • List Components Jira Doc


        • project: string

          key for the project

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Returns all options defined for a select list issue field. Jira Doc


        • fieldKey: string

          the key of the select list field

        Returns Promise<{
            isLast?: boolean;
            maxResults?: number;
            nextPage?: string;
            self?: string;
            startAt?: number;
            total?: number;
            values?: readonly {
                config?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    scope?: {
                        global?: {
                            attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                        projects?: number[];
                        projects2?: {
                            attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                            id?: number;
                id: number;
                properties?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                value: string;

      • List all fields custom and not that jira knows about. Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<{
            clauseNames?: string[];
            custom?: boolean;
            id?: string;
            key?: string;
            name?: string;
            navigable?: boolean;
            orderable?: boolean;
            schema?: {
                configuration?: {
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                custom?: string;
                customId?: number;
                items?: string;
                system?: string;
                type: string;
            scope?: {
                project?: {
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                    self?: string;
                    simplified?: boolean;
                type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                [key: string]: unknown;
            searchable?: boolean;

      • List all issue link types jira knows about

        Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<{
            issueLinkTypes?: readonly {
                id?: string;
                inward?: string;
                name?: string;
                outward?: string;
                self?: string;

      • List all Issue Types jira knows about Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • List all priorities jira knows about Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • List all Viewable Projects Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<{
            archived?: boolean;
            archivedBy?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            archivedDate?: string;
            assigneeType?: "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            components?: readonly {
                ari?: string;
                assignee?: {
                    accountId?: string;
                    accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                    active?: boolean;
                    applicationRoles?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            defaultGroups?: string[];
                            defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            defined?: boolean;
                            groupDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            groups?: string[];
                            hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            numberOfSeats?: number;
                            platform?: boolean;
                            remainingSeats?: number;
                            selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                            userCount?: number;
                            userCountDescription?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    emailAddress?: string;
                    expand?: string;
                    groups?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    locale?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    timeZone?: string;
                assigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
                description?: string;
                id?: string;
                isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean;
                lead?: {
                    accountId?: string;
                    accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                    active?: boolean;
                    applicationRoles?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            defaultGroups?: string[];
                            defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            defined?: boolean;
                            groupDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            groups?: string[];
                            hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            numberOfSeats?: number;
                            platform?: boolean;
                            remainingSeats?: number;
                            selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                            userCount?: number;
                            userCountDescription?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    emailAddress?: string;
                    expand?: string;
                    groups?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    locale?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    timeZone?: string;
                leadAccountId?: string;
                leadUserName?: string;
                metadata?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                name?: string;
                project?: string;
                projectId?: number;
                realAssignee?: {
                    accountId?: string;
                    accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                    active?: boolean;
                    applicationRoles?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            defaultGroups?: string[];
                            defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            defined?: boolean;
                            groupDetails?: {
                                groupId?: null | string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            groups?: string[];
                            hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            numberOfSeats?: number;
                            platform?: boolean;
                            remainingSeats?: number;
                            selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                            userCount?: number;
                            userCountDescription?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    emailAddress?: string;
                    expand?: string;
                    groups?: {
                        callback?: Record<string, never>;
                        items?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        max-results?: number;
                        pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                        size?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    locale?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    timeZone?: string;
                realAssigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
                self?: string;
            deleted?: boolean;
            deletedBy?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            deletedDate?: string;
            description?: string;
            email?: string;
            expand?: string;
            favourite?: boolean;
            id?: string;
            insight?: {
                lastIssueUpdateTime?: string;
                totalIssueCount?: number;
            isPrivate?: boolean;
            issueTypeHierarchy?: {
                baseLevelId?: number;
                levels?: readonly {
                    aboveLevelId?: number;
                    belowLevelId?: number;
                    externalUuid?: string;
                    hierarchyLevelNumber?: number;
                    id?: number;
                    issueTypeIds?: number[];
                    level?: number;
                    name?: string;
                    projectConfigurationId?: number;
            issueTypes?: readonly {
                avatarId?: number;
                description?: string;
                entityId?: string;
                hierarchyLevel?: number;
                iconUrl?: string;
                id?: string;
                name?: string;
                scope?: {
                    project?: {
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        projectCategory?: {
                            description?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                        self?: string;
                        simplified?: boolean;
                    type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                self?: string;
                subtask?: boolean;
            key?: string;
            landingPageInfo?: {
                attributes?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                boardId?: number;
                boardName?: string;
                projectKey?: string;
                projectType?: string;
                queueCategory?: string;
                queueId?: number;
                queueName?: string;
                simpleBoard?: boolean;
                simplified?: boolean;
                url?: string;
            lead?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            name?: string;
            permissions?: {
                canEdit?: boolean;
            projectCategory?: {
                description?: string;
                id?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            retentionTillDate?: string;
            roles?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            self?: string;
            simplified?: boolean;
            style?: "classic" | "next-gen";
            url?: string;
            uuid?: string;
            versions?: readonly {
                approvers?: readonly {
                    accountId?: string;
                    declineReason?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    status?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                archived?: boolean;
                description?: string;
                driver?: string;
                expand?: string;
                id?: string;
                issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
                    done?: number;
                    inProgress?: number;
                    toDo?: number;
                    unmapped?: number;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
                name?: string;
                operations?: readonly {
                    href?: string;
                    iconClass?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    label?: string;
                    styleClass?: string;
                    title?: string;
                    weight?: number;
                overdue?: boolean;
                project?: string;
                projectId?: number;
                releaseDate?: string;
                released?: boolean;
                self?: string;
                startDate?: string;
                userReleaseDate?: string;
                userStartDate?: string;

      • Get a list of Sprints belonging to a Rapid View


        • boardId: string

          the id for the rapid view

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Get list of possible statuses Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<{
            description?: string;
            iconUrl?: string;
            id?: string;
            name?: string;
            scope?: {
                project?: {
                    avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                    self?: string;
                    simplified?: boolean;
                type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                [key: string]: unknown;
            self?: string;
            statusCategory?: {
                colorName?: string;
                id?: number;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            [key: string]: unknown;

      • List Transitions for a specific issue that are available to the current user Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          get transitions available for the issue

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • List all registered webhooks Jira Doc

        Returns Promise<{
            isLast?: boolean;
            maxResults?: number;
            nextPage?: string;
            self?: string;
            startAt?: number;
            total?: number;
            values?: readonly {
                events: ("jira:issue_created" | "jira:issue_updated" | "jira:issue_deleted" | "comment_created" | "comment_updated" | "comment_deleted" | "issue_property_set" | "issue_property_deleted")[];
                expirationDate?: number;
                fieldIdsFilter?: string[];
                id: number;
                issuePropertyKeysFilter?: string[];
                jqlFilter: string;

      • Creates a URI object for a given pathname


        Returns string

      • Creates a URI object for a given pathname /rest/dev-status/latest/issue/detail section


        • __namedParameters: {
              pathname?: string;
              query?: Record<string, string>;
          • Optional pathname?: string
          • Optional query?: Record<string, string>

        Returns string

      • Creates a requestOptions object based on the default template for one


        • url: string
        • options: AxiosRequestConfig<any> = {}

          an object containing fields and formatting how the

        Returns AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      • Creates a URI object for a given pathname


        • Optional options: MakeUrlParams

          an object containing path information

        Returns string

      • Creates a URI object for a given pathName


        • Optional options: {
              pathname?: string;

          An options object specifying uri information

          • Optional pathname?: string

        Returns string

      • Move Issues to Epic Jira Doc Jira Doc


        • epicIdOrKey: string

          Id of epic to move issue to, or 'none' to remove from epic

        • issues: string[]

          array of issues to move

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Move issues to backlog Jira Doc


        • issues: string[]

          id or key of issues to get

        Returns Promise<never>

      • Move version Jira Doc


        • versionId: string

          the ID of the version to delete

        • position: {
              after?: string;
              position?: "Earlier" | "Later" | "First" | "Last";

          an object of the new position

          • Optional after?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL (self link) of the version after which to place the moved version. Cannot be used with position.

          • Optional position?: "Earlier" | "Later" | "First" | "Last"


            An absolute position in which to place the moved version. Cannot be used with after.

        Returns Promise<{
            approvers?: readonly {
                accountId?: string;
                declineReason?: string;
                description?: string;
                status?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            archived?: boolean;
            description?: string;
            driver?: string;
            expand?: string;
            id?: string;
            issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
                done?: number;
                inProgress?: number;
                toDo?: number;
                unmapped?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
            name?: string;
            operations?: readonly {
                href?: string;
                iconClass?: string;
                id?: string;
                label?: string;
                styleClass?: string;
                title?: string;
                weight?: number;
            overdue?: boolean;
            project?: string;
            projectId?: number;
            releaseDate?: string;
            released?: boolean;
            self?: string;
            startDate?: string;
            userReleaseDate?: string;
            userStartDate?: string;

      • Partially update epic Jira Doc


        • epicIdOrKey: string

          Id of epic to retrieve

        • data: {
              color?: {
                  key?: "color_1" | "color_2" | "color_3" | "color_4" | "color_5" | "color_6" | "color_7" | "color_8" | "color_9" | "color_10" | "color_11" | "color_12" | "color_13" | "color_14";
              done?: boolean;
              name?: string;
              summary?: string;

          data to set

          • Optional color?: {
                key?: "color_1" | "color_2" | "color_3" | "color_4" | "color_5" | "color_6" | "color_7" | "color_8" | "color_9" | "color_10" | "color_11" | "color_12" | "color_13" | "color_14";
            • Optional key?: "color_1" | "color_2" | "color_3" | "color_4" | "color_5" | "color_6" | "color_7" | "color_8" | "color_9" | "color_10" | "color_11" | "color_12" | "color_13" | "color_14"
          • Optional done?: boolean
          • Optional name?: string
          • Optional summary?: string

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Rank Epics Jira Doc


        • epicIdOrKey: string

          Id of epic

        • data: {
              rankAfterEpic?: string;
              rankBeforeEpic?: string;
              rankCustomFieldId?: number;

          value to set

          • Optional rankAfterEpic?: string
          • Optional rankBeforeEpic?: string
          • Optional rankCustomFieldId?: number

            Format: int64

        Returns Promise<never>

      • Rank Issues Jira Doc


        • data: {
              issues?: string[];
              rankAfterIssue?: string;
              rankBeforeIssue?: string;
              rankCustomFieldId?: number;

          value to set

          • Optional issues?: string[]
          • Optional rankAfterIssue?: string
          • Optional rankBeforeIssue?: string
          • Optional rankCustomFieldId?: number

            Format: int64

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Register a webhook Jira Doc


        • webhook: {
              url: string;
              webhooks: {
                  events: ("jira:issue_created" | "jira:issue_updated" | "jira:issue_deleted" | "comment_created" | "comment_updated" | "comment_deleted" | "issue_property_set" | "issue_property_deleted")[];
                  fieldIdsFilter?: string[];
                  issuePropertyKeysFilter?: string[];
                  jqlFilter: string;

          properly formatted webhook

          • url: string


            The URL that specifies where to send the webhooks. This URL must use the same base URL as the Connect app. Only a single URL per app is allowed to be registered.

          • webhooks: {
                events: ("jira:issue_created" | "jira:issue_updated" | "jira:issue_deleted" | "comment_created" | "comment_updated" | "comment_deleted" | "issue_property_set" | "issue_property_deleted")[];
                fieldIdsFilter?: string[];
                issuePropertyKeysFilter?: string[];
                jqlFilter: string;


            A list of webhooks.

        Returns Promise<{
            webhookRegistrationResult?: {
                createdWebhookId?: number;
                errors?: string[];

      • Get count of issues assigned to the component. Jira Doc


        • id: string

          Component Id.

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Pass a search query to Jira Jira Doc


        • searchString: string

          jira query string in JQL

        • optional: PaginationParams

          object containing any of the pagination properties

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Search user on Jira

        Jira Doc


        • parameters: undefined | {
              accountId?: string;
              maxResults?: number;
              property?: string;
              query?: string;
              startAt?: number;
              username?: string;

        Returns Promise<{
            accountId?: string;
            accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
            active?: boolean;
            applicationRoles?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            avatarUrls?: {
                16x16?: string;
                24x24?: string;
                32x32?: string;
                48x48?: string;
            displayName?: string;
            emailAddress?: string;
            expand?: string;
            groups?: {
                callback?: Record<string, never>;
                items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                max-results?: number;
                pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                size?: number;
            key?: string;
            locale?: string;
            name?: string;
            self?: string;
            timeZone?: string;

      • Set Board Property Jira Doc


        • boardId: string

          Id of board to retrieve

        • propertyKey: string

          Id of property to delete

        • data: string

          value to set, for objects make sure to stringify first

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Transition issue in Jira Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          the Id of the issue to delete

        • issueTransition: {
              fields?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              historyMetadata?: {
                  activityDescription?: string;
                  activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                  actor?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  cause?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  description?: string;
                  descriptionKey?: string;
                  emailDescription?: string;
                  emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                  extraData?: {
                      [key: string]: string;
                  generator?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  type?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              properties?: {
                  key?: string;
                  value?: unknown;
              transition?: {
                  expand?: string;
                  fields?: {
                      [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                  hasScreen?: boolean;
                  id?: string;
                  isAvailable?: boolean;
                  isConditional?: boolean;
                  isGlobal?: boolean;
                  isInitial?: boolean;
                  looped?: boolean;
                  name?: string;
                  to?: {
                      description?: string;
                      iconUrl?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      scope?: {
                          project?: {
                              avatarUrls?: {
                                  16x16?: string;
                                  24x24?: string;
                                  32x32?: string;
                                  48x48?: string;
                              id?: string;
                              key?: string;
                              name?: string;
                              projectCategory?: {
                                  description?: string;
                                  id?: string;
                                  name?: string;
                                  self?: string;
                              projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                              self?: string;
                              simplified?: boolean;
                          type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                          [key: string]: unknown;
                      self?: string;
                      statusCategory?: {
                          colorName?: string;
                          id?: number;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                          [key: string]: unknown;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              update?: {
                  [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];
              [key: string]: unknown;

          transition object from the jira rest API

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;


            List of issue screen fields to update, specifying the sub-field to update and its value for each field. This field provides a straightforward option when setting a sub-field. When multiple sub-fields or other operations are required, use update. Fields included in here cannot be included in update.

            • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional historyMetadata?: {
                activityDescription?: string;
                activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                actor?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                cause?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                description?: string;
                descriptionKey?: string;
                emailDescription?: string;
                emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                extraData?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                generator?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                type?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Additional issue history details.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional activityDescription?: string


              The activity described in the history record.

            • Optional activityDescriptionKey?: string


              The key of the activity described in the history record.

            • Optional actor?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the user whose action created the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional cause?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the cause that triggered the creation the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional description?: string


              The description of the history record.

            • Optional descriptionKey?: string


              The description key of the history record.

            • Optional emailDescription?: string


              The description of the email address associated the history record.

            • Optional emailDescriptionKey?: string


              The description key of the email address associated the history record.

            • Optional extraData?: {
                  [key: string]: string;


              Additional arbitrary information about the history record.

              • [key: string]: string
            • Optional generator?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the system that generated the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional type?: string


              The type of the history record.

          • Optional properties?: {
                key?: string;
                value?: unknown;


            Details of issue properties to be add or update.

          • Optional transition?: {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details of a transition. Required when performing a transition, optional when creating or editing an issue.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional expand?: string


              Expand options that include additional transition details in the response.

            • Optional fields?: {
                  [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];


              Details of the fields associated with the issue transition screen. Use this information to populate fields and update in a transition request.

              • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"]
            • Optional hasScreen?: boolean


              Whether there is a screen associated with the issue transition.

            • Optional id?: string


              The ID of the issue transition. Required when specifying a transition to undertake.

            • Optional isAvailable?: boolean


              Whether the transition is available to be performed.

            • Optional isConditional?: boolean


              Whether the issue has to meet criteria before the issue transition is applied.

            • Optional isGlobal?: boolean


              Whether the issue transition is global, that is, the transition is applied to issues regardless of their status.

            • Optional isInitial?: boolean


              Whether this is the initial issue transition for the workflow.

            • Optional looped?: boolean
            • Optional name?: string


              The name of the issue transition.

            • Optional to?: {
                  description?: string;
                  iconUrl?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  scope?: {
                      project?: {
                          avatarUrls?: {
                              16x16?: string;
                              24x24?: string;
                              32x32?: string;
                              48x48?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          projectCategory?: {
                              description?: string;
                              id?: string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                          self?: string;
                          simplified?: boolean;
                      type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  self?: string;
                  statusCategory?: {
                      colorName?: string;
                      id?: number;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the issue status after the transition.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional description?: string


                The description of the status.

              • Optional iconUrl?: string


                The URL of the icon used to represent the status.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the status.

              • Optional name?: string


                The name of the status.

              • Optional scope?: {
                    project?: {
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        projectCategory?: {
                            description?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                        self?: string;
                        simplified?: boolean;
                    type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                    [key: string]: unknown;


                The scope of the field.

                • [key: string]: unknown
                • Optional project?: {
                      avatarUrls?: {
                          16x16?: string;
                          24x24?: string;
                          32x32?: string;
                          48x48?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      projectCategory?: {
                          description?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                      self?: string;
                      simplified?: boolean;


                  The project the item has scope in.

                  • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;


                    The URLs of the project's avatars.

                    • Optional 16x16?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 24x24?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 32x32?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 48x48?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

                  • Optional id?: string


                    The ID of the project.

                  • Optional key?: string


                    The key of the project.

                  • Optional name?: string


                    The name of the project.

                  • Optional projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;


                    The category the project belongs to.

                    • Optional description?: string


                      The name of the project category.

                    • Optional id?: string


                      The ID of the project category.

                    • Optional name?: string


                      The description of the project category.

                    • Optional self?: string


                      The URL of the project category.

                  • Optional projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business"


                    The project type of the project.

                  • Optional self?: string


                    The URL of the project details.

                  • Optional simplified?: boolean


                    Whether or not the project is simplified.

                • Optional type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE"


                  The type of scope.

              • Optional self?: string


                The URL of the status.

              • Optional statusCategory?: {
                    colorName?: string;
                    id?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;


                The category assigned to the status.

                • [key: string]: unknown
                • Optional colorName?: string


                  The name of the color used to represent the status category.

                • Optional id?: number

                  Format: int64


                  The ID of the status category.

                • Optional key?: string


                  The key of the status category.

                • Optional name?: string


                  The name of the status category.

                • Optional self?: string


                  The URL of the status category.

          • Optional update?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];


            A Map containing the field field name and a list of operations to perform on the issue screen field. Note that fields included in here cannot be included in fields.

            • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][]

        Returns Promise<never>

      • Change an assignee on an issue Jira Doc


        • issueKey: string

          the key of the existing issue

        • assigneeName: string

          the jira username to add as a new assignee to the issue

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Change an assignee on an issue Jira Doc


        • issueKey: string

          the key of the existing issue

        • userId: string

          the jira username to add as a new assignee to the issue

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Update comment for an issue Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          Issue with the comment

        • commentId: string

          Comment that is updated

        • comment: {
              author?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: string;
                  active?: boolean;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              body?: unknown;
              created?: string;
              id?: string;
              jsdAuthorCanSeeRequest?: boolean;
              jsdPublic?: boolean;
              properties?: {
                  key?: string;
                  value?: unknown;
              renderedBody?: string;
              self?: string;
              updateAuthor?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: string;
                  active?: boolean;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              updated?: string;
              visibility?: {
                  identifier?: null | string;
                  type?: "group" | "role";
                  value?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              [key: string]: unknown;

          string containing new comment

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional author?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            The ID of the user who created the comment.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

            • Optional accountType?: string


              The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional body?: unknown


            The comment text in Atlassian Document Format.

          • Optional created?: string

            Format: date-time


            The date and time at which the comment was created.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the comment.

          • Optional jsdAuthorCanSeeRequest?: boolean


            Whether the comment was added from an email sent by a person who is not part of the issue. See Allow external emails to be added as comments on issuesfor information on setting up this feature.

          • Optional jsdPublic?: boolean


            Whether the comment is visible in Jira Service Desk. Defaults to true when comments are created in the Jira Cloud Platform. This includes when the site doesn't use Jira Service Desk or the project isn't a Jira Service Desk project and, therefore, there is no Jira Service Desk for the issue to be visible on. To create a comment with its visibility in Jira Service Desk set to false, use the Jira Service Desk REST API Create request comment operation.

          • Optional properties?: {
                key?: string;
                value?: unknown;


            A list of comment properties. Optional on create and update.

          • Optional renderedBody?: string


            The rendered version of the comment.

          • Optional self?: string


            The URL of the comment.

          • Optional updateAuthor?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            The ID of the user who updated the comment last.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

            • Optional accountType?: string


              The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional updated?: string

            Format: date-time


            The date and time at which the comment was updated last.

          • Optional visibility?: {
                identifier?: null | string;
                type?: "group" | "role";
                value?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            The group or role to which this comment is visible. Optional on create and update.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional identifier?: null | string


              The ID of the group or the name of the role that visibility of this item is restricted to.

            • Optional type?: "group" | "role"


              Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role.

            • Optional value?: string


              The name of the group or role that visibility of this item is restricted to. Please note that the name of a group is mutable, to reliably identify a group use identifier.

        • Optional options: {
              expand?: string;
              notifyUsers?: boolean;
              overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
          } = {}

          extra options

          • Optional expand?: string


            Use expand to include additional information about comments in the response. This parameter accepts renderedBody, which returns the comment body rendered in HTML.

          • Optional notifyUsers?: boolean


            Whether users are notified when a comment is updated.

          • Optional overrideEditableFlag?: boolean


            Whether screen security is overridden to enable uneditable fields to be edited. Available to Connect app users with the Administer Jira global permission and Forge apps acting on behalf of users with Administer Jira global permission.

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Parameters

        • componentId: string

          the Id of the component to update

        • component: {
              ari?: string;
              assignee?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                  active?: boolean;
                  applicationRoles?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          defaultGroups?: string[];
                          defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          defined?: boolean;
                          groupDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          groups?: string[];
                          hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          numberOfSeats?: number;
                          platform?: boolean;
                          remainingSeats?: number;
                          selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                          userCount?: number;
                          userCountDescription?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  expand?: string;
                  groups?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  key?: string;
                  locale?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              assigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
              description?: string;
              id?: string;
              isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean;
              lead?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                  active?: boolean;
                  applicationRoles?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          defaultGroups?: string[];
                          defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          defined?: boolean;
                          groupDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          groups?: string[];
                          hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          numberOfSeats?: number;
                          platform?: boolean;
                          remainingSeats?: number;
                          selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                          userCount?: number;
                          userCountDescription?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  expand?: string;
                  groups?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  key?: string;
                  locale?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              leadAccountId?: string;
              leadUserName?: string;
              metadata?: {
                  [key: string]: string;
              name?: string;
              project?: string;
              projectId?: number;
              realAssignee?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                  active?: boolean;
                  applicationRoles?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          defaultGroups?: string[];
                          defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          defined?: boolean;
                          groupDetails?: {
                              groupId?: null | string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          groups?: string[];
                          hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          numberOfSeats?: number;
                          platform?: boolean;
                          remainingSeats?: number;
                          selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                          userCount?: number;
                          userCountDescription?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  expand?: string;
                  groups?: {
                      callback?: Record<string, never>;
                      items?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      max-results?: number;
                      pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                      size?: number;
                  key?: string;
                  locale?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              realAssigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
              self?: string;

          Properly Formatted Component

          • Optional ari?: string


            Compass component's ID. Can't be updated. Not required for creating a Project Component.

          • Optional assignee?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            The details of the user associated with assigneeType, if any. See realAssignee for details of the user assigned to issues created with this component.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

            • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


              The user account type. Can take the following values:

              • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
              • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
              • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The application roles the user is assigned to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional expand?: string


              Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

            • Optional groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The groups that the user belongs to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional locale?: string


              The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string

              Format: uri


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional assigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED"


            The nominal user type used to determine the assignee for issues created with this component. See realAssigneeType for details on how the type of the user, and hence the user, assigned to issues is determined. Can take the following values:

            • PROJECT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the project the component is in.
            • COMPONENT_LEAD the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the lead for the component.
            • UNASSIGNED an assignee is not set for issues created with this component.
            • PROJECT_DEFAULT the assignee to any issues created with this component is nominally the default assignee for the project that the component is in.

            Default value: PROJECT_DEFAULT. Optional when creating or updating a component.

          • Optional description?: string


            The description for the component. Optional when creating or updating a component.

          • Optional id?: string


            The unique identifier for the component.

          • Optional isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean


            Whether a user is associated with assigneeType. For example, if the assigneeType is set to COMPONENT_LEAD but the component lead is not set, then false is returned.

          • Optional lead?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            The user details for the component's lead user.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

            • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


              The user account type. Can take the following values:

              • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
              • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
              • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The application roles the user is assigned to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional expand?: string


              Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

            • Optional groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The groups that the user belongs to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional locale?: string


              The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string

              Format: uri


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional leadAccountId?: string


            The accountId of the component's lead user. The accountId uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

          • Optional leadUserName?: string


            This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

          • Optional metadata?: {
                [key: string]: string;


            Compass component's metadata. Can't be updated. Not required for creating a Project Component.

            • [key: string]: string
          • Optional name?: string


            The unique name for the component in the project. Required when creating a component. Optional when updating a component. The maximum length is 255 characters.

          • Optional project?: string


            The key of the project the component is assigned to. Required when creating a component. Can't be updated.

          • Optional projectId?: number

            Format: int64


            The ID of the project the component is assigned to.

          • Optional realAssignee?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            The user assigned to issues created with this component, when assigneeType does not identify a valid assignee.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5. Required in requests.

            • Optional accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown"


              The user account type. Can take the following values:

              • atlassian regular Atlassian user account
              • app system account used for Connect applications and OAuth to represent external systems
              • customer Jira Service Desk account representing an external service desk
            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional applicationRoles?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      defaultGroups?: string[];
                      defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      defined?: boolean;
                      groupDetails?: {
                          groupId?: null | string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      groups?: string[];
                      hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      numberOfSeats?: number;
                      platform?: boolean;
                      remainingSeats?: number;
                      selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                      userCount?: number;
                      userCountDescription?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The application roles the user is assigned to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    defaultGroups?: string[];
                    defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    defined?: boolean;
                    groupDetails?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    groups?: string[];
                    hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    numberOfSeats?: number;
                    platform?: boolean;
                    remainingSeats?: number;
                    selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                    userCount?: number;
                    userCountDescription?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional expand?: string


              Expand options that include additional user details in the response.

            • Optional groups?: {
                  callback?: Record<string, never>;
                  items?: {
                      groupId?: null | string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                  max-results?: number;
                  pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                  size?: number;


              The groups that the user belongs to.

              • Optional callback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional items?: {
                    groupId?: null | string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
              • Optional max-results?: number

                Format: int32

              • Optional pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>
              • Optional size?: number

                Format: int32

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional locale?: string


              The locale of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string

              Format: uri


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy setting, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional realAssigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED"


            The type of the assignee that is assigned to issues created with this component, when an assignee cannot be set from the assigneeType. For example, assigneeType is set to COMPONENT_LEAD but no component lead is set. This property is set to one of the following values:

            • PROJECT_LEAD when assigneeType is PROJECT_LEAD and the project lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
            • COMPONENT_LEAD when assigneeType is COMPONENT_LEAD and the component lead has permission to be assigned issues in the project that the component is in.
            • UNASSIGNED when assigneeType is UNASSIGNED and Jira is configured to allow unassigned issues.
            • PROJECT_DEFAULT when none of the preceding cases are true.
          • Optional self?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the component.

        Returns Promise<{
            ari?: string;
            assignee?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            description?: string;
            id?: string;
            isAssigneeTypeValid?: boolean;
            lead?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            leadAccountId?: string;
            leadUserName?: string;
            metadata?: {
                [key: string]: string;
            name?: string;
            project?: string;
            projectId?: number;
            realAssignee?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: "atlassian" | "app" | "customer" | "unknown";
                active?: boolean;
                applicationRoles?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        defaultGroups?: string[];
                        defaultGroupsDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        defined?: boolean;
                        groupDetails?: {
                            groupId?: null | string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        groups?: string[];
                        hasUnlimitedSeats?: boolean;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        numberOfSeats?: number;
                        platform?: boolean;
                        remainingSeats?: number;
                        selectedByDefault?: boolean;
                        userCount?: number;
                        userCountDescription?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                expand?: string;
                groups?: {
                    callback?: Record<string, never>;
                    items?: {
                        groupId?: null | string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                    max-results?: number;
                    pagingCallback?: Record<string, never>;
                    size?: number;
                key?: string;
                locale?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;
            realAssigneeType?: "PROJECT_DEFAULT" | "COMPONENT_LEAD" | "PROJECT_LEAD" | "UNASSIGNED";
            self?: string;

      • Update issue in Jira Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          the Id of the issue to update

        • issueUpdate: {
              fields?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              historyMetadata?: {
                  activityDescription?: string;
                  activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                  actor?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  cause?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  description?: string;
                  descriptionKey?: string;
                  emailDescription?: string;
                  emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                  extraData?: {
                      [key: string]: string;
                  generator?: {
                      avatarUrl?: string;
                      displayName?: string;
                      displayNameKey?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      type?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  type?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              properties?: {
                  key?: string;
                  value?: unknown;
              transition?: {
                  expand?: string;
                  fields?: {
                      [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                  hasScreen?: boolean;
                  id?: string;
                  isAvailable?: boolean;
                  isConditional?: boolean;
                  isGlobal?: boolean;
                  isInitial?: boolean;
                  looped?: boolean;
                  name?: string;
                  to?: {
                      description?: string;
                      iconUrl?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      scope?: {
                          project?: {
                              avatarUrls?: {
                                  16x16?: string;
                                  24x24?: string;
                                  32x32?: string;
                                  48x48?: string;
                              id?: string;
                              key?: string;
                              name?: string;
                              projectCategory?: {
                                  description?: string;
                                  id?: string;
                                  name?: string;
                                  self?: string;
                              projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                              self?: string;
                              simplified?: boolean;
                          type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                          [key: string]: unknown;
                      self?: string;
                      statusCategory?: {
                          colorName?: string;
                          id?: number;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                          [key: string]: unknown;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              update?: {
                  [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];
              [key: string]: unknown;

          update Object as specified by the rest api

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional fields?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;


            List of issue screen fields to update, specifying the sub-field to update and its value for each field. This field provides a straightforward option when setting a sub-field. When multiple sub-fields or other operations are required, use update. Fields included in here cannot be included in update.

            • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional historyMetadata?: {
                activityDescription?: string;
                activityDescriptionKey?: string;
                actor?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                cause?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                description?: string;
                descriptionKey?: string;
                emailDescription?: string;
                emailDescriptionKey?: string;
                extraData?: {
                    [key: string]: string;
                generator?: {
                    avatarUrl?: string;
                    displayName?: string;
                    displayNameKey?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    type?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                type?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Additional issue history details.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional activityDescription?: string


              The activity described in the history record.

            • Optional activityDescriptionKey?: string


              The key of the activity described in the history record.

            • Optional actor?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the user whose action created the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional cause?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the cause that triggered the creation the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional description?: string


              The description of the history record.

            • Optional descriptionKey?: string


              The description key of the history record.

            • Optional emailDescription?: string


              The description of the email address associated the history record.

            • Optional emailDescriptionKey?: string


              The description key of the email address associated the history record.

            • Optional extraData?: {
                  [key: string]: string;


              Additional arbitrary information about the history record.

              • [key: string]: string
            • Optional generator?: {
                  avatarUrl?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  displayNameKey?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  type?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the system that generated the history record.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional avatarUrl?: string


                The URL to an avatar for the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayName?: string


                The display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional displayNameKey?: string


                The key of the display name of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional type?: string


                The type of the user or system associated with a history record.

              • Optional url?: string


                The URL of the user or system associated with a history record.

            • Optional type?: string


              The type of the history record.

          • Optional properties?: {
                key?: string;
                value?: unknown;


            Details of issue properties to be add or update.

          • Optional transition?: {
                expand?: string;
                fields?: {
                    [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];
                hasScreen?: boolean;
                id?: string;
                isAvailable?: boolean;
                isConditional?: boolean;
                isGlobal?: boolean;
                isInitial?: boolean;
                looped?: boolean;
                name?: string;
                to?: {
                    description?: string;
                    iconUrl?: string;
                    id?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    scope?: {
                        project?: {
                            avatarUrls?: {
                                16x16?: string;
                                24x24?: string;
                                32x32?: string;
                                48x48?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            key?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            projectCategory?: {
                                description?: string;
                                id?: string;
                                name?: string;
                                self?: string;
                            projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                            self?: string;
                            simplified?: boolean;
                        type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    self?: string;
                    statusCategory?: {
                        colorName?: string;
                        id?: number;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;
                        [key: string]: unknown;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details of a transition. Required when performing a transition, optional when creating or editing an issue.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional expand?: string


              Expand options that include additional transition details in the response.

            • Optional fields?: {
                  [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"];


              Details of the fields associated with the issue transition screen. Use this information to populate fields and update in a transition request.

              • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldMetadata"]
            • Optional hasScreen?: boolean


              Whether there is a screen associated with the issue transition.

            • Optional id?: string


              The ID of the issue transition. Required when specifying a transition to undertake.

            • Optional isAvailable?: boolean


              Whether the transition is available to be performed.

            • Optional isConditional?: boolean


              Whether the issue has to meet criteria before the issue transition is applied.

            • Optional isGlobal?: boolean


              Whether the issue transition is global, that is, the transition is applied to issues regardless of their status.

            • Optional isInitial?: boolean


              Whether this is the initial issue transition for the workflow.

            • Optional looped?: boolean
            • Optional name?: string


              The name of the issue transition.

            • Optional to?: {
                  description?: string;
                  iconUrl?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  scope?: {
                      project?: {
                          avatarUrls?: {
                              16x16?: string;
                              24x24?: string;
                              32x32?: string;
                              48x48?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          key?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          projectCategory?: {
                              description?: string;
                              id?: string;
                              name?: string;
                              self?: string;
                          projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                          self?: string;
                          simplified?: boolean;
                      type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  self?: string;
                  statusCategory?: {
                      colorName?: string;
                      id?: number;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      self?: string;
                      [key: string]: unknown;
                  [key: string]: unknown;


              Details of the issue status after the transition.

              • [key: string]: unknown
              • Optional description?: string


                The description of the status.

              • Optional iconUrl?: string


                The URL of the icon used to represent the status.

              • Optional id?: string


                The ID of the status.

              • Optional name?: string


                The name of the status.

              • Optional scope?: {
                    project?: {
                        avatarUrls?: {
                            16x16?: string;
                            24x24?: string;
                            32x32?: string;
                            48x48?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        key?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        projectCategory?: {
                            description?: string;
                            id?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            self?: string;
                        projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                        self?: string;
                        simplified?: boolean;
                    type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE";
                    [key: string]: unknown;


                The scope of the field.

                • [key: string]: unknown
                • Optional project?: {
                      avatarUrls?: {
                          16x16?: string;
                          24x24?: string;
                          32x32?: string;
                          48x48?: string;
                      id?: string;
                      key?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      projectCategory?: {
                          description?: string;
                          id?: string;
                          name?: string;
                          self?: string;
                      projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business";
                      self?: string;
                      simplified?: boolean;


                  The project the item has scope in.

                  • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                        16x16?: string;
                        24x24?: string;
                        32x32?: string;
                        48x48?: string;


                    The URLs of the project's avatars.

                    • Optional 16x16?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 24x24?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 32x32?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

                    • Optional 48x48?: string

                      Format: uri


                      The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

                  • Optional id?: string


                    The ID of the project.

                  • Optional key?: string


                    The key of the project.

                  • Optional name?: string


                    The name of the project.

                  • Optional projectCategory?: {
                        description?: string;
                        id?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        self?: string;


                    The category the project belongs to.

                    • Optional description?: string


                      The name of the project category.

                    • Optional id?: string


                      The ID of the project category.

                    • Optional name?: string


                      The description of the project category.

                    • Optional self?: string


                      The URL of the project category.

                  • Optional projectTypeKey?: "software" | "service_desk" | "business"


                    The project type of the project.

                  • Optional self?: string


                    The URL of the project details.

                  • Optional simplified?: boolean


                    Whether or not the project is simplified.

                • Optional type?: "PROJECT" | "TEMPLATE"


                  The type of scope.

              • Optional self?: string


                The URL of the status.

              • Optional statusCategory?: {
                    colorName?: string;
                    id?: number;
                    key?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    self?: string;
                    [key: string]: unknown;


                The category assigned to the status.

                • [key: string]: unknown
                • Optional colorName?: string


                  The name of the color used to represent the status category.

                • Optional id?: number

                  Format: int64


                  The ID of the status category.

                • Optional key?: string


                  The key of the status category.

                • Optional name?: string


                  The name of the status category.

                • Optional self?: string


                  The URL of the status category.

          • Optional update?: {
                [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][];


            A Map containing the field field name and a list of operations to perform on the issue screen field. Note that fields included in here cannot be included in fields.

            • [key: string]: components["schemas"]["FieldUpdateOperation"][]
        • Optional query: {
              expand?: string;
              notifyUsers?: boolean;
              overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
              overrideScreenSecurity?: boolean;
              returnIssue?: boolean;

          adds parameters to the query string

          • Optional expand?: string


            The Get issue API expand parameter to use in the response if the returnIssue parameter is true.

          • Optional notifyUsers?: boolean


            Whether a notification email about the issue update is sent to all watchers. To disable the notification, administer Jira or administer project permissions are required. If the user doesn't have the necessary permission the request is ignored.

          • Optional overrideEditableFlag?: boolean


            Whether screen security is overridden to enable uneditable fields to be edited. Available to Connect app users with Administer Jira global permission and Forge apps acting on behalf of users with Administer Jira global permission.

          • Optional overrideScreenSecurity?: boolean


            Whether screen security is overridden to enable hidden fields to be edited. Available to Connect app users with Administer Jira global permission and Forge apps acting on behalf of users with Administer Jira global permission.

          • Optional returnIssue?: boolean


            Whether the response should contain the issue with fields edited in this request. The returned issue will have the same format as in the Get issue API.

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Update a version Jira Doc


        • version: {
              approvers?: readonly {
                  accountId?: string;
                  declineReason?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  status?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              archived?: boolean;
              description?: string;
              driver?: string;
              expand?: string;
              id?: string;
              issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
                  done?: number;
                  inProgress?: number;
                  toDo?: number;
                  unmapped?: number;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
              name?: string;
              operations?: readonly {
                  href?: string;
                  iconClass?: string;
                  id?: string;
                  label?: string;
                  styleClass?: string;
                  title?: string;
                  weight?: number;
              overdue?: boolean;
              project?: string;
              projectId?: number;
              releaseDate?: string;
              released?: boolean;
              self?: string;
              startDate?: string;
              userReleaseDate?: string;
              userStartDate?: string;

          a new object of the version to update

          • Optional approvers?: readonly {
                accountId?: string;
                declineReason?: string;
                description?: string;
                status?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            If the expand option approvers is used, returns a list containing the approvers for this version.

          • Optional archived?: boolean


            Indicates that the version is archived. Optional when creating or updating a version.

          • Optional description?: string


            The description of the version. Optional when creating or updating a version. The maximum size is 16,384 bytes.

          • Optional driver?: string


            If the expand option driver is used, returns the Atlassian account ID of the driver.

          • Optional expand?: string


            Use expand to include additional information about version in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Expand options include:

            • operations Returns the list of operations available for this version.
            • issuesstatus Returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories to do, in progress, done, and unmapped. The unmapped property contains a count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.
            • driver Returns the Atlassian account ID of the version driver.
            • approvers Returns a list containing approvers for this version.

            Optional for create and update.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the version.

          • Optional issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
                done?: number;
                inProgress?: number;
                toDo?: number;
                unmapped?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            If the expand option issuesstatus is used, returns the count of issues in this version for each of the status categories to do, in progress, done, and unmapped. The unmapped property contains a count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional done?: number

              Format: int64


              Count of issues with status done.

            • Optional inProgress?: number

              Format: int64


              Count of issues with status in progress.

            • Optional toDo?: number

              Format: int64


              Count of issues with status to do.

            • Optional unmapped?: number

              Format: int64


              Count of issues with a status other than to do, in progress, and done.

          • Optional moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the self link to the version to which all unfixed issues are moved when a version is released. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version.

          • Optional name?: string


            The unique name of the version. Required when creating a version. Optional when updating a version. The maximum length is 255 characters.

          • Optional operations?: readonly {
                href?: string;
                iconClass?: string;
                id?: string;
                label?: string;
                styleClass?: string;
                title?: string;
                weight?: number;


            If the expand option operations is used, returns the list of operations available for this version.

          • Optional overdue?: boolean


            Indicates that the version is overdue.

          • Optional project?: string


            Deprecated. Use projectId.

          • Optional projectId?: number

            Format: int64


            The ID of the project to which this version is attached. Required when creating a version. Not applicable when updating a version.

          • Optional releaseDate?: string

            Format: date


            The release date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version.

          • Optional released?: boolean


            Indicates that the version is released. If the version is released a request to release again is ignored. Not applicable when creating a version. Optional when updating a version.

          • Optional self?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the version.

          • Optional startDate?: string

            Format: date


            The start date of the version. Expressed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional when creating or updating a version.

          • Optional userReleaseDate?: string


            The date on which work on this version is expected to finish, expressed in the instance's Day/Month/Year Format date format.

          • Optional userStartDate?: string


            The date on which work on this version is expected to start, expressed in the instance's Day/Month/Year Format date format.

        Returns Promise<{
            approvers?: readonly {
                accountId?: string;
                declineReason?: string;
                description?: string;
                status?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            archived?: boolean;
            description?: string;
            driver?: string;
            expand?: string;
            id?: string;
            issuesStatusForFixVersion?: {
                done?: number;
                inProgress?: number;
                toDo?: number;
                unmapped?: number;
                [key: string]: unknown;
            moveUnfixedIssuesTo?: string;
            name?: string;
            operations?: readonly {
                href?: string;
                iconClass?: string;
                id?: string;
                label?: string;
                styleClass?: string;
                title?: string;
                weight?: number;
            overdue?: boolean;
            project?: string;
            projectId?: number;
            releaseDate?: string;
            released?: boolean;
            self?: string;
            startDate?: string;
            userReleaseDate?: string;
            userStartDate?: string;

      • Update worklog from issue Jira Doc


        • issueId: string

          the Id of the issue to update

        • worklogId: number

          the Id of the worklog in issue to update

        • body: {
              author?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: string;
                  active?: boolean;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              comment?: unknown;
              created?: string;
              id?: string;
              issueId?: string;
              properties?: {
                  key?: string;
                  value?: unknown;
              self?: string;
              started?: string;
              timeSpent?: string;
              timeSpentSeconds?: number;
              updateAuthor?: {
                  accountId?: string;
                  accountType?: string;
                  active?: boolean;
                  avatarUrls?: {
                      16x16?: string;
                      24x24?: string;
                      32x32?: string;
                      48x48?: string;
                  displayName?: string;
                  emailAddress?: string;
                  key?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  self?: string;
                  timeZone?: string;
              updated?: string;
              visibility?: {
                  identifier?: null | string;
                  type?: "group" | "role";
                  value?: string;
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              [key: string]: unknown;

          value to set

          • [key: string]: unknown
          • Optional author?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            Details of the user who created the worklog.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

            • Optional accountType?: string


              The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional comment?: unknown


            A comment about the worklog in Atlassian Document Format. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

          • Optional created?: string

            Format: date-time


            The datetime on which the worklog was created.

          • Optional id?: string


            The ID of the worklog record.

          • Optional issueId?: string


            The ID of the issue this worklog is for.

          • Optional properties?: {
                key?: string;
                value?: unknown;


            Details of properties for the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

          • Optional self?: string

            Format: uri


            The URL of the worklog item.

          • Optional started?: string

            Format: date-time


            The datetime on which the worklog effort was started. Required when creating a worklog. Optional when updating a worklog.

          • Optional timeSpent?: string


            The time spent working on the issue as days (#d), hours (#h), or minutes (#m or #). Required when creating a worklog if timeSpentSeconds isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpentSecond is provided.

          • Optional timeSpentSeconds?: number

            Format: int64


            The time in seconds spent working on the issue. Required when creating a worklog if timeSpent isn't provided. Optional when updating a worklog. Cannot be provided if timeSpent is provided.

          • Optional updateAuthor?: {
                accountId?: string;
                accountType?: string;
                active?: boolean;
                avatarUrls?: {
                    16x16?: string;
                    24x24?: string;
                    32x32?: string;
                    48x48?: string;
                displayName?: string;
                emailAddress?: string;
                key?: string;
                name?: string;
                self?: string;
                timeZone?: string;


            Details of the user who last updated the worklog.

            • Optional accountId?: string


              The account ID of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products. For example, 5b10ac8d82e05b22cc7d4ef5.

            • Optional accountType?: string


              The type of account represented by this user. This will be one of 'atlassian' (normal users), 'app' (application user) or 'customer' (Jira Service Desk customer user)

            • Optional active?: boolean


              Whether the user is active.

            • Optional avatarUrls?: {
                  16x16?: string;
                  24x24?: string;
                  32x32?: string;
                  48x48?: string;


              The avatars of the user.

              • Optional 16x16?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 16x16 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 24x24?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 24x24 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 32x32?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 32x32 pixel avatar.

              • Optional 48x48?: string

                Format: uri


                The URL of the item's 48x48 pixel avatar.

            • Optional displayName?: string


              The display name of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may return an alternative value.

            • Optional emailAddress?: string


              The email address of the user. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

            • Optional key?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional name?: string


              This property is no longer available and will be removed from the documentation soon. See the deprecation notice for details.

            • Optional self?: string


              The URL of the user.

            • Optional timeZone?: string


              The time zone specified in the user's profile. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, this may be returned as null.

          • Optional updated?: string

            Format: date-time


            The datetime on which the worklog was last updated.

          • Optional visibility?: {
                identifier?: null | string;
                type?: "group" | "role";
                value?: string;
                [key: string]: unknown;


            Details about any restrictions in the visibility of the worklog. Optional when creating or updating a worklog.

            • [key: string]: unknown
            • Optional identifier?: null | string


              The ID of the group or the name of the role that visibility of this item is restricted to.

            • Optional type?: "group" | "role"


              Whether visibility of this item is restricted to a group or role.

            • Optional value?: string


              The name of the group or role that visibility of this item is restricted to. Please note that the name of a group is mutable, to reliably identify a group use identifier.

        • options: undefined | {
              adjustEstimate?: "new" | "leave" | "manual" | "auto";
              expand?: string;
              newEstimate?: string;
              notifyUsers?: boolean;
              overrideEditableFlag?: boolean;
          } = {}

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Get ids of worklogs modified since Jira Doc


        • since: string

          a date time in unix timestamp format since when updated worklogs will be returned.

        • expand: string[]

          ptional comma separated list of parameters to expand: properties (provides worklog properties).

        Returns Promise<unknown>

      • Creates or updates an option for a select list issue field. Jira Doc


        • fieldKey: string

          the key of the select list field

        • optionId: string

          the id of the modified option

        • option: {
              config?: {
                  attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                  scope?: {
                      global?: {
                          attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                      projects?: number[];
                      projects2?: {
                          attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                          id?: number;
              id: number;
              properties?: {
                  [key: string]: unknown;
              value: string;

          properly formatted Option object

          • Optional config?: {
                attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                scope?: {
                    global?: {
                        attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    projects?: number[];
                    projects2?: {
                        attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                        id?: number;
            • Optional attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[]



            • Optional scope?: {
                  global?: {
                      attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                  projects?: number[];
                  projects2?: {
                      attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                      id?: number;


              Defines the projects that the option is available in. If the scope is not defined, then the option is available in all projects.

              • Optional global?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];


                Defines the behavior of the option within the global context. If this property is set, even if set to an empty object, then the option is available in all projects.

                • Optional attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[]


                  Defines the behavior of the option in the global context.If notSelectable is set, the option cannot be set as the field's value. This is useful for archiving an option that has previously been selected but shouldn't be used anymore.If defaultValue is set, the option is selected by default.

              • Optional projects?: number[]



              • Optional projects2?: {
                    attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    id?: number;


                Defines the projects in which the option is available and the behavior of the option within each project. Specify one object per project. The behavior of the option in a project context overrides the behavior in the global context.

          • id: number

            Format: int64


            The unique identifier for the option. This is only unique within the select field's set of options.

          • Optional properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;


            The properties of the object, as arbitrary key-value pairs. These properties can be searched using JQL, if the extractions (see Issue Field Option Property Index) are defined in the descriptor for the issue field module.

            • [key: string]: unknown
          • value: string


            The option's name, which is displayed in Jira.

        Returns Promise<{
            config?: {
                attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                scope?: {
                    global?: {
                        attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                    projects?: number[];
                    projects2?: {
                        attributes?: ("notSelectable" | "defaultValue")[];
                        id?: number;
            id: number;
            properties?: {
                [key: string]: unknown;
            value: string;

      Generated using TypeDoc